Saluton al ĉiuj! Kiom da esperantistoj tie ĉi estas? How many people want to learn Esperanto?
Esperanta fadeno
Esperanto is pointless why learn it? There is no way to tell who knows the language, I know who speaks chinise because they are chinese etc. Who speaks esperanto?
How do you know who is Chinese? Unless you see them speaking Chinese.
Jews created it because it fulfilled their messianic vision of a «world peace» with the dissolution of all nations and barriers ruled by Israel
And before saying da joos like a stupid redditor check Wiki in that case it’s most certainly written
They look chinese
If you think they look "chinese" they might as well speak Japanese, korean, vietnamese, or anything else, or none at all. How are you gonna tell apart a Pole from a Ukrainian from a Russian before hearing them speak?
>something created by a jew
>it must be a conspiracy
>totally not related to the fact that jews having been scattered around the world would understandably have an interest in an international language
Saluton el Usono. Mi parolas iomete.
I do
Saluton! Interese, la ega plejparto de la Esperantistoj konataj de mi estas Usonanoj. Vi estas la unu grupo, kiu ne devas lerni iun ajn lingvon por povi paroli kun homoj de aliaj landoj. Ankaŭ la plejparto de esperanto-lerniloj estas anglolingvaj.
>muh conspiracy
Calm down with the buzzwords Polekike. I said it fitted their messianic vision of world peace. Internationalism has always been embraced and promoted by Jews in great proportions, notably in the numerous Bolshevik revolutionary attempts (or successes) of the 20th century that understandably made antisemitism return
But I guess it's easier to think you're always innocent and nothing more than scapegoats
Well then I don't see your point. Is internationalism bad just because jews like it? If not, what's wrong with it?
As Solzhenitzyn said, to destroy a people you must first sever their roots. Internationalism is irrealistic, not utopian but dystopian, because there is nothing more valuable than blood and soil for a people to establish perennial societies.
The contrary will either end up in coerced mixings and massacres or communitization within nations (or hypothetically an International Territory) ie the destruction of society as a whole and the scattering of its people (that will lead to further conflicts)
It's much more sane and realistic to let all peoples have their own cultures and languages in territories where they can be homogenous. Because you can destroy nations and make everyone learn the same language, you will never destroy race and thus the biological differences will remain, and prevail, as always.
Okay so I don't even wanna argue with you anymore because it'll just go back to nationalism every time but a) esperanto isn't supposed to replace national languages, only become a bridge over them and b) which is already done by languages like English which you're literally speaking right now. You're French and I'm Polish and neither of us are speaking our native language. This is exactly what esperanto is supposed to do and the one criticism I accept of it is that it's completely pointless cause English has already achieved all its goals. Well, that and its stupid phonetics and grammar issues but it's even more beside the point.
That's true, English does that job, although it doesn't have the Jewish nature of Esperanto (which is utterly ugly btw)
>"Were there but an international language, all translations would be made into it alone ... and all nations would be united in a common brotherhood"
English makes it therefore more sane (although bastardized indeed)
>You're French and I'm Polish
Well, we can never be fully sure of this...
First of all EO does not promote internationalism shit since the language itself is neutral by Boulogne declaration,
so yes you two can stop posting long ass essays that nobody else would read
>Okay so I don't even wanna argue with you anymore because it'll just go back to nationalism every time
Called it
I didn't ask for this, i just wanted to speak a nice language I know
>Esperanto promoter is a lazy nigger who can't read 5-lines posts
Oh I really am fucking surprised.
It's a shit language spoken only by a few thousands of freaks and Jews
Saluton! Mi longe atendis tian fadenon. Ne rekonu la malbonfiduloj.
>>>Esperanto opposer is racist
Millions of people speak it
>Esperanto promoter is anti-racist
color me surprised
6 millions amirite?
You should consider learning to count at some point.
Eĉ se Esperanto ne atendis ankoraŭ ĝiajn celojn, ĝin lerni kaj paroli estas tre amuza kaj interesa.
One estimate is two million
Saluton. Estas naturo de interreto ke ĉiuj ĉiutempe batalas. Ĝi estas la sola kialo kial mi iam vizitas na Yas Forums. La sekundo li menciis Judojn mi sciis ke ne atendas min intelekta konversacio
Suuure. if there were more than 100k freaks on Earth who spoke that shit I'd honestly be astonished.
>bad mouthing jews means stupidity
Kek, you really think you're smart by saying that? Do you have an idea of the amount of people, and peoples, who rightfully denounced those parasites for who they were? Don't be deluded Polekike :^)
Are you so desperate for attention that you just start responding to conversations that you're not a part of?
I'm reminding you that you're part of a freakish club of deluded and utterly dumb individuals while antisemitism has been prevalent everywhere in the world throughout history and promoted by countless leaders, philosophers, artists and other prominent figures. I always enjoy reminding this to morons so sure of themselves.
I'm reminding you that nobody likes you. I didn't read the rest of your post btw.
>I always enjoy reminding this to morons so sure of themselves
>nobody likes you
Yeah, project more.
t. calls 4chink posts "essays"
Have you read a single book in your life?
lmao this baguette so mad
Kion vi uzas por lerni Esperanton?
Here's a book you can read to start. You may even translate it in Esperanto because none of the 6 billion speakers did so far.
Laŭ mi lerniloj ne estas tro necesaj por lerni Esperanton. Ne multe da ili. La plej bona maniero de lernado estas nur lerni la bazon de gramatiko (kiun oni povas memori en malpli ol tago) kaj lerni la vortojn parolante. Se vi scias iun ajn eŭropan lingvon, aŭ precipe romantikan, vi jam scias la tutan vortaron de Esperanto.
Mi uzadis "Lernu"
Bedaurinde, mia denaska lingvo ne estas la merda angla, kaj mi ne parolas Eŭropajn lingvojn. Ankaŭ,
pardonu por ne esti Mutt; Mi simple studas komputikon en Usono.
Ho! Alia usonana esperantisto!
O, tio estas maloftaĵo. Tiaokaze, ĝi estos iom pli malfacila. Tamen, se vi havas vortaron aŭ interretan vortaron, vi ankoraŭ povos paroli kun pli-malplia facileco, nur lerninte la bazan gramatikon.
Ĉu vi sugestas 'Lernu' pli ol 'Duolingon'?
Mi esperas, ke tiu estas vera; mi ĉiutage lukti kontraŭ multaj malfacilaĵoj kiel 'la' kaj korelativoj.
Verege jes
Kiel ni disvastigos esperanton sur Yas Forums?
Iţtauló ha TNIL.
Parolu ĝin. Faru pli 'threads' (aŭ 'fadenojn', kiel la OP diras).
Esperanto was made by George Soros' father, and it has no culture or religion behind it. Pidgin has more staying power.
>Esperanto was made by George Soros' father
are you retarded?
Ithal alżialowo
Where do i read karl marx in esperanto
Here you go buddy
Haud yeir wheisht!
Thon ill-farrant leid gaurs me seik-sert sae seynae mair in it.
I'd rather learn Interlingua to be honest
Interlingua is supposed to be a tool for people who know romance languages, kind of like Interslavic. But whatever floats your boat I guess
tiele, oni povas kreski esperantujon en Yas Forums, do oni ne devas sole uzi la esperantujon de telegramo
Btw my posts aren't in Ithkuil anymore, this is the successor language, it's much better and actually learnable and since a couple days ago it finally has a lexicon so it's finally usable
It might change a bit but I think most of it is finalised
that's true but I prefer it because I don't like how compound words are formed in EO and how it has very weird diacritics
Is this new?
It was started in 2018 or so I think, but yes, it's new and it's gonna replace Ithkuil once it's 100% done
What are you talking about?
What is difficult to understand about the ideal of a non-national language for international communication? It is the simplest concept in the world.
John Quijada, the creator of Ithkuil, a very complicated language that tries to be really precise and concise at the same time, is making a new language that fixes Ithkuil's flaws while enhancing it and making it learnable. A few days ago he released a document containing 1775 roots, finally making TNIL (short for The New Ithkuilic Language, it's unnamed yet) mostly usable
Stop sperging, please.
The only thing I knew about ikthuil is that it's so fucked up the author himself can't speak it. Is it any better now?
Much better.
What makes Ithkuil unlearnable is pic related (mandatory affixes which have huge tables with thousands of possible values without any pattern or regularity). Tables are still there, but they're not as big at all so you can actually memorise them.
Whatever floats your boat I guess. It will never have a functional purpose, but it's cool to look at.
This is the Ca affix, it tells you how many things there are in the set, are they different, do they form a whole, do they have similar functions, are you talking about one set, a couple or any set of these things, which part is talked about and are they real. In Ithkuil, there are 12 tables like the ones in my previous post.
In TNIL, you can fit the whole thing on one page.
I just think it's kinda cool. Also, there's a nice album in Ithkuil (Kaduatán)
The elimination of borders is an ideal to be attained, but the “open” society will only be viable on the condition of the annihilation of all instincts of race and local characteristics. The “pure races” must be “mixed” to dissolve all feeling of identity, which is considered likely to engender the resurgence of “Nationalism”. Languages themselves must disappear, to the benefit of one single common language.
This was the great ambition of Louis Lazaré Zamenhof. A young man descended from the Jewish aristocracy of Poland, his entire life was dedicated, from a very early age, to the invention of a language which was to be understood by everyone, based on common roots from most of the wide-spread languages.
This dream led to the publication of the founding work of Esperanto, Fundamento de Esperanto in 1887. Zamenhof explained: “If I were not a Jew from the ghetto, the idea of uniting humanity either would never have entered my mind, or would not have obsessed me so obstinately throughout my entire life”. And he repeated: “My Jewishness was the principal cause for which I dedicated myself to one idea and to an essential dream, from my youngest childhood, the dream of uniting humanity.”
>Languages themselves must disappear, to the benefit of one single common language.
That's not what Zamenhof wanted.
Mi iras al klaso. Ĝis la revido!
There are actually, as the American friend pointed out, more than a million of speakers for sure.
You know Esperanto was made to be an auxiliary language and never to be the only language in the world, right? Why are frenchies so arrogant?
He's probably a tinfoil hat wearing loon
You freaks are far from being a million
Could be more than that. Maybe two million.
Ĉu vi volas trovi koramikinon en kongreso de Esperanto, Yas Forums?
Once a due spoke to me in Esperanto. I blew his head with a hammer, stabbed him in the chest and defecated inside his guts.
Aŭ koramikinon aŭ koramikon. Mi estas ambaŭseksema.
Unufoje ulo al mi parolis esperante. Mi tremis lian handon kaj al li respondis gaje ankaŭ esperante.
Sugesto de reformado:
Anstataŭigi la antonimojn mal-e prefiksitajn kun veraj vortoj.
I'm not going to kill you like the other fool because you're far away, but If you were here I would kill you in the most violent way you can imagine.
>I know who speaks chinise because they are chinese etc
Yeah right, just like how only Englishmen speak English?
God I wish all Esperanto speakers on this planet (60000 individuals) would die in atrocious sufferings
Hohoho iu homo bezonas siajn medikamentojn.
Esperanto tre populara estis en via patrujo antaŭ multe da jaroj.
Sal gejaĉo. Kiel estis via tago?
Iel bone ĝis nun. Mi feliĉis vidi esperantan fadenon matene. Mi pensis nokte ke mortos.
Ok, I'm going to kill you. I have a computer cousin who can locate you via IP, once located I will save money working in summer and I will travel to the United States to give you what you deserve.
Todavía no sé de dónde eres, pero te va a faltar ciudad para correr.
Doloriĝita kulo?
Cállate ya, hijo de puta.
Mi sciis neniam ke tio ĉi ekzistas.
Saluton, mia skizofrenia amiko. Kiom da vortoj aŭ frazoj en Esperanto vi komprenis ĝis nun? Multaj vortoj en Esperanto venas el la hispana.
Te voy a matar lenta y dolorosamente.