DJT is a Japanese language learning thread for aspiring むっつりスケベ that are interested in the language, anime, manga, visual novels, light novels and Japanese video games. Japanese speakers learning English are welcome, too.
>大袈裟 >his voice sounds like the one from Welcome to the NHK ending >turns out he actually is the singer for it Neat. Guess he showed you who's boss of that gym B)
Have you gotten out* is also correct 14 years later I still don't know what difference there is between using past and past perfect, other than past being more common and better for short sentences like this
What is a good bijuaru noberu to start practicing Japanese? I'm tired of rotewriting Hanja and studying grammar
Jaxon Evans
Austin Smith
Tyler Gray
Cooper Anderson
I know you posters don't like material like this, but have you ever tried Youtube videos in which Japanese people are talking about their lives in your countries in Japanese language? (As for myself, I watched a video of a black comedian in Japan) Oh yes, for those US, Australia and Western Euros you're likely to come across obnoxious bitches indeed.
Justin Bailey
Ok, you have my thankfulness, Stanisław, I'm gonna try to see if I can acquire it somewhere
John Cruz
>I know you posters don't like material like this, but have you ever tried Youtube videos in which Japanese people are talking about their lives in your countries in Japanese language? Not really, I guess I should check. And there's no problem with this material. As long as its intended for native speakers it's perfect.
KARAKARA and its second part. Short, can change between japanese and english translation while reading by pushing a single button, straightforward language, mundane plot (so no crazy words). The thing was practically made for learners.
If its purely native content I don't mind it at all. Not sure too many japanese people would enjoy life here though. Significant lack of パンチら. The food is 脂っこい and we talk sharp and impolitely, people are so fat and ugly
>That person lives in the same city as I do 見つけたらすれ違いざまに 『…あなたのビデオ、見てますよ…フフッ』 って呟くとよいと思います。 あと、よく見たら日本だと車内の握り棒は天井までつながってるタイプがほとんどだと思う。でも仕切りになってる白い模様付きのガラスは凄く似てる。
I have already played KaraKara in spic語, it was fun and the dual language did help me pick up vocabulary. I have second part on the backlog too
Connor Wood
>Significant lack of パンチら. I thought you were talking about some Youtube channel and this is what I found.. > japanese people would enjoy life here though My friend used to do so..
>過度なもてなし After coming back from Australia he started complaining about this country in comparison with his dream country. >Over there people are really enjoying their lives and even bus drives say hi to me every time I get on buses, while people here are... If you have a friend like this who came back from Japan, what would you say to him? >enjoyed as x isn't proper English 恐縮です
>Over there people are really enjoying their lives and even bus drives say hi to me every time I get on buses, while people here are... Then Germany is the wrong place to be for him, because everyone fucking hates their life but above all they hate everyone else even more.
>If you have a friend like this who came back from Japan, what would you say to him? try and remind him of all the good parts of japan and hand him a nice drink
Carter Wilson
>she doesn't even talk in her videos すんませんこの人妻マジでビデオで喋らないんですね。ゆっくり実況でも使えばいいのに。 >because everyone fucking hates their life Definitely because of lack of コンビニs(why?) and DMM(why??)
common >売春婦、娼婦、風俗嬢、ソープ嬢 common in written materials but not to be uttered by people today >売女、淫売 outdated >夜鷹、パンパン、売笑婦、娼妓 、辻君、一夜妻、街娼 maybe because we need various options when insulting レアキャラs in ソシャゲーガチャ
>retard I heard that saying of "バカは風邪ひかない" actually means retards are so insensitive in that they don't notice that they've already got a cold. It seems this country is teeming with バカたちtoday indeed desu.
The writer of this tweet thread is way more cringe than JK Rowling not understand basic Japanese pronunciation because you know she spent the time to write this all out just because she disagrees with JK Rowling politically, but at the same time she also has absolutely no fucking clue about Japanese. This is why I don't have a twitter.
But because that kid is energetic it feels like she's a kid from an island
Joseph Long
mhmhm yes okay thanks, that makes sense. but wouldn't 感じる then be better than 感じ here?
Connor Clark
>感じ It’s the noun form of the verb 感じる as being renyou-kei form, “an impression of being a kid from island”. It makes sense if it’s 感じる though. >島の子って感じるね >I feel like if she’s a kid from island
How do you feel about the Corona in Germany? People are really scared of Corona here, while I'm not scared a little, and I would never wear a dumb mask.
Adam Collins
So far the only thing I changes was that I ordered food from the supermarket for delivery to have more supplies at home. It's more of an insurance against other people buying up everything though. Otherwise I do everything normally.
You can't buy any masks her anyways any more, everything is sold out and even doctors have a hard time getting supplies. The same is true for disinfectant.
It seemed okay, but I never got around to reading through it really and now it's no longer useful. Only get language (text-)books if you actually like reading them.
Can't find entry for いずれ in all 3 Dictionary of Japanese Grammar books. Am I not looking hard enough?
Ryan Moore
Owen Lopez
me on the left
Lucas Smith
It's just a word. It's like older-fashioned version of どれ. There's also いずこ = どこ, いずち = どっち as an adverb it can mean "eventually" or "some time in the future" like 何(いず)れ改めて伺います I will come back again to check another time
How do you avoid burnout when learning? I tried the grinding approach a few months ago with Anki and I got really stressed from grinding so many cards every night. I took couple week break and my brain dumped everything, and I haven't practiced since.
I tried reading some mangas but that's also frustrating because my vocabulary isn't broad enough to not look up words every 5 seconds.
Oliver Butler
>only 3 stars Trash
Charles Rogers
>and I got really stressed from grinding so many cards every night. lower new cards
>usually we say 大漁 in that context, as you may have already known >子供服売り場で服を買う >しかも最大サイズでもない奴を(安売りセールかなんかで焦ってたのかな?) We know you're always trying to be cute, but that attempt is..
Don't do hours of Anki each day. Grinding Anki is the most boring, soul-crushing shit and I don't know why people get such a hard-on for spending hours each day looking at fucking flashcards.
>from jp(board or thread? I'm gonna talk assuming it's the former) So you may know what I mean >there was a discussion about an excerpt from an ero dojin, where a space alien girl saying "なんか盛ってる" when a fat guy, a human of the earth, is desperately shoving his hips toward the girl mounting on her, naked >I contended it means "he's rutting(さかる)" but some of other posters insisted it's "he's piling (something) up(もってる)" on a basis of the following pic where her tummy was bulging out maybe because of his cum poured into her womb(yes, it's the consequence event of the original pic) >I said that's not the case, and told them I'm a native speaker and pleaded to believe me >then a half of them started fusillading me, saying things like stop larping, while the other half continuing with abusing a コテハン posting there >at last I begged but they didn't listen. Then the original poster announced it'd be decided by majority and I lost At least you may not come across those kind of tragedies as country flags are conveniently indicted. >but at least I had one poster who admitted I'm a native speaker. A guy who called me "a yellow monkey" in his broken Japanese.
>I saw that exchange of yours I sensed you were there and really hoped you'd take some action on the behalf of me , but at the same time I intuited it'd be >I didn't post in there though stop larping as a 無頼漢 and be your true self in your かわいい子供服
>I sensed you were there and really hoped you'd take some action on the behalf of me It wouldn't have changed a thing. They are too far up their own asses.
>あのクソコテが俺が書いた日本語にケチつけようとして、あとで知らんぷりしたのが一番ムカつく They love to pretend everyone who posts something in Japanese there does it wrong and they don't ever point out why. They wouldn't even know when its wrong so they just pretend it for everything they see.
As I said, I got to know the feeling of an American poster who tried to help out with an English question in ヤフー知恵遅れ telling he's a native speaker(and he got kicked out). And I felt like as if I was an ancient Egyptian who was magically resurrected and engaging in a deciphering project of ero dojin written in hieroglyph. >群盲エロを撫でる
>And I felt like as if I was an ancient Egyptian who was magically resurrected and engaging in a deciphering project of ero dojin written in hieroglyph. The people in the jp thread don't believe Japanese people exist for some reason. Japanese are merely mythical creatures.
I bought food I can easily preserve such as rice and noodles and canned goods. All those things to cook with that will keep for a long time. I ordered it all for delivery because I don't want to carry these things by myself, it's めんどくせー >I also included some カップラーメン and カップ焼きそば >Also the order was for almost 200€
>why don't you count on your traditional preservative? >芋
>子供服売り場 Btw, don't you have any counterpart word for おもちゃ売り場 in your languages? As the concept of "the world of joy" inscribed on our brains when we were little kids. >and overwritten with words like DMM, コミケ3日目, or ロリ同人界の新星
is it advisable to use the jis2004 official font in anki or just stick with the regular one? i have never seen this font used on websites, apps, documents.
Camden Rivera
The virus affects the sick and elderly the most but given americas 40% obesity rate it may take a more serious toll. Especially if they can't afford to get tested for it. I also heard they are delaying the Olympics in japan. Will they just cancel it?
>shittons of words in anki How many words have you already stored in it? And my coworker just writes them down on his notebook. Are you a person who prefers handwritten flash cards to digital gadgets as well? お先に失礼します。
my gf moves back to japan tomorrow. How fucked am I?
Xavier Scott
Ayden Diaz
I drill words in Anki. It's not the only way to do it. But it helps and it's easy to do. But if you do Anki for more than 20 minutes a day you're doing it wrong though.
>modifying a 「ミイラ取りに大出世」? Or wait that makes no sense.
Elijah Cox
Andrew Diaz
It's like ミイラがミイラ取りに大出世する mummy works their way up into being promoted to mummy-taker (opposite of the normal saying) 的 makes it into like "that kind of thing" A stalker becoming a guard-man... Is it a "ミイラ works their way up into becoming a ミイラ取り" kind of thing? Maybe because normally you would expect it to be the other way around, like someone's guardman ends up becoming their stalker, which would be a negative change, but in this case the change is relatively positive
might aswell ask more dumb questions then to not let the threads die, pic related
Asagi went for a drive and Yotsuba is waiting for her return. in this sentence she uses 帰ってこない which, as far as i understand, means "not returning home". with はやく (quick/soon) and かな (wondering) I understand this as "i wonder if she is not coming home soon", but I think it rather means "i wonder if she is coming home soon"
so my question is, why does she use the negative verb? would the affirmative be fine aswell?