If Walt Disney hated Jews so much, why does his company act more Jewy than literally any other company on earth?

If Walt Disney hated Jews so much, why does his company act more Jewy than literally any other company on earth?

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Not even a tumblrfag, I agree with you but how is this Yas Forums related

The unofficial joke star wars holiday "May the 4th be with you" is jewy?

It's about disney?

Just imagine a company would use a hastag to promote their family-friendly IP and people would hijack it and post porn-art of said IP... how mischievous!

Cause your concept of Jew is a racist stereotype, every human in the world is a greedy mother fucker.


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Same reason the Ford Foundation is as pozzed as they are. Jews know their enemies and work to tarnish their legacies.

Its the Lawyer speak or something. I don't really understand it. Think it has to do with jewish lawyers or something

Holy shit.

>Jews know their enemies and work to tarnish their legacies.
>work to tarnish their legacies.
And people wonder why I'm an atheist.

He didn't hate jews that's just a myth perpetuated by family guy

Because Walt fucking hated monopolies. He was part of the Society of Independent Movie Makers alongside Orson Welles, King Vidor, Victor Fleming and John Huston. He fought against the big studios owning movie chains and the industry as a whole.

He'd also probably hate Star Wars and the MCU, especially with the modern consoomers.

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You're an atheist because you're gaslit. Leftist atheists are made to hate Christians, Rightist atheists are made to hate Muslims, and anti-semitic callouts are dealt with by the moderation. Ask yourself why atheist organizations never call out chicken-swinging in Yom Kippur, briss practices where rabbis suck baby dicks, or the wacky things the Talmud says.

You're just a part of a kosher sandwich designed to take your rightful outrage at desert tribes running shit and direct it away from challenging real power or taboo.

Do you think if we start posting Star Wars fetish art on #Maythe4th, they'll actually put it into the video that they're likely putting together?

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>He'd also probably hate Star Wars and the MCU, especially with the modern consoomers.


I've listened to plenty of atheist critisize Judaism and Jewish practicea but Chistrians and Christian interest groups have FAR more power in American politics and society and it's all blatant visible without frying your brain with Yas Forumsfag bullshit.

I think blaming all of the world's problems on a single group is the dumbest belief a person could have.

They got taken over ages ago.

Not gonna lie, I assumed it was bitching about hashtag shit and didn't read the second half.

Walt never hated Jews, there are no records of him ever saying so. He hated commies and unions, but not Jews. At worst he as a futurists was freinds with some operation paperclip pick ups.

>Chistrians and Christian interest groups have FAR more power in American politics and society
Bullshit. If Christians had the power to change cirriculum and get congress to vote yes on anything they wanted, we wouldn't have evolution in schools, abortion would be illegal, and prayer would be in schools. Instead, congress signs 100% in favor of restricting speech on campus for jews, every war we have had since the 1980s has been a carte blanche support for israeli interests, and we have entirely different quarantine rules for us and the orthodox.
Atheism fails to address real power dynamics, because they're scared of addressing the real demons in power. Atheism should be a righteous Nietzchean bulwark against international jewry, but it's bugman division tactics. Disgusting.

>He hated commies and unions, but not Jews

well, most Jews were communists and in unions so maybe that's why they spread those lies

No no no you don't understand, jews hated HIM


>could overbearing corporate greed be a problem inherent to a runaway capitalist system?
>No it must be the Jews!

Yeah that's probably why, still Walt was never a racist.

yeah! but seriously fuck white people amirite? we need more diversity.

>Christians had the power to change cirriculum and get congress to vote yes on anything they wanted
That's not what I fucking said dipshit.

The old man only hated people that told him not to do stuff. Don't exploit the workers. Don't crush our unions. That kind of thing.