I don't get it

I don't get it.

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The case against General Flynn fell apart, illustrated by a briefcase falling apart, and the subtext implying that it fell apart because it was built on lies
Ben Garrison doesn't really do subtle commentary

Trump is trying to pretend Flynn is innocent (he isn't) as a pretext for a bunch of pardons to protect himself (because he's a criminal).

Well the corruption of the DOJ and its attempt to undermine the president hasn't been subtle either.

You're supposed to undermine criminals, that's literally the job of the Department of Justice.

Go back to Yas Forums faggot

And yet every supposed crime this president has committed has turned out to be nothing more than false narratives with absolutely no evidence. Fuck you should be happy that Trump is president because this is easily the first time we've had a president that hasn't done anything illegal because you can bet your ass he'd have been taken out of office if he did.

It implies that he case against General Flynn has fallen apart due to corruption. It hasn't actually fallen apart and there's no real indication, but Trump has his shills trying to meme this into reality.

Except his Russian collusion was clearly real. Literally the only way he could evade being implicated was by pinning it on his son, which was a scumbag move.

Wasn't Flynn and his son caught trying to kidnap a foreign dignitary for the saudi prince?

you never actually read the muller report or followed the russian collusion case did you?

Sorry to burst your bubble but there was no collusion. Get over it faggot

Just some art that Flynn hangs on the wall of his cell.

So you haven't heard the news?

>Except his Russian collusion was clearly real.
russian shitposts on facebook has about as much power over the election as any blueboard has over their hobbies they discuss.

That trump and his supporters think they can pretend Michael Flynn wasn't guilty?

Is that a Bill Cipher reference?

I sure do love it when we have Yas Forums threads on Yas Forums. That's my favorite fucking thing, when a board that's already as unforgivably shitty as Yas Forums goes off topic for tired political arguments that have nothing to do with the board's purpose.

Looks like you didn't read it either. The report only said there was no direct evidence of collusion that can be submitted in court, but much evidence of crimes surrounding collusion as well as obstruction that destroyed evidence of collusion. Maybe don't get your summaries off Breitbart next time.

>And yet every supposed crime this president has committed has turned out to be nothing more than false narratives
I guess Cohen, Stone, and Manafort don't exist, then? Even Flynn isn't actually exonerated, his case is pretty much closed and these documents don't indicate innocence. You're sticking your head in the sand at this point.

If you genuinely believe all these guys were just independently doing their own shit you're a true retard.

>you never actually read the muller report or followed the russian collusion case did you?
I have, that's why you can't gaslight me on this.

At least they aren't Biden supporters who are pretending Biden never sexually assaulted anyone.

>russian shitposts on facebook
..Which isn't what the case was about at all.

>literal delusion

Whoa what a shock, you're pushing the tara reade story too.

Anyone who has actually bothered to read them knows the collusion was real. The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence. There is, however, a mountain of documentation of crimes indicating obstruction and destruction of evidence.

but he no combbided grimbes

>Cohen, Stone, and Manafort
Were found guilty of completely unrelated crimes. When you go digging for evidence of literally anything to help your case you're gonna find shit. Hell the crimes they got those guys on weren't even substantial let alone related to any of Trump's affairs.

I Notice how you can't actually explain why Mueller's report exonerates Russia from electoral interference. Did you just not think that far ahead?

No, that new evidence confirms Strzok was gunning to remove Flynn from his position from day one and even intervened to keep the investigation going despite a complete lack of evidence in the hopes they could catch him on some bullshit process violation.

>Anyone who has actually bothered to read them knows the collusion was real. The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence.

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>The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence
hey buddy you know you can't arrest someone because you think they did something wrong right? Otherwise I could have you imprisoned for raping me. I don't have any courtworthy evidence but let's incarcerate you because my attorney has an feeling that you did.

I don't get it, how is what you're saying not Yas Forums either. It's a similar reflex just from the left side of the aisle. "The President is not a criminal" is a Yas Forums-tier position you belong on another forum. Maybe reddit perhaps. But anything that isn't "the Jewish people are attempting to subvert the white race" can float fine outside of Yas Forums.

>I guess Cohen, Stone, and Manafort don't exist, then?
Manafort was guilty for bank fraud. Not for colluding with Russia. This is literally spiteful vengeance for playing a part in Trump getting elected.

So three of the president's most closest advisors end up convicted for crimes? What a corrupt administration this must be.

The brain tumour is meant to be John McCain, in case you didn't realize.

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>The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence.
"Ugh! Evidence? Really?"

Tara Reade's story is getting more corroboration every day. It's recently come out that Reade's mother phoned into Larry King shortly after the time of the assault about whether her daughter should go to the press about what happened. Have fun making excuses for a rapist though.

Let me ask you something? Did Brett Kavanaugh sexually assault Christine Blasie Ford?

because it literally doesn't present any evidence of direct russian interference in our election your stupid retard. What more do you want me to say other than you being a delusional lying sack of shit that gets all his news from legacy media and twitter.

>hey buddy you know you can't arrest someone because you think they did something wrong right?
Correct. I'm not saying Trump should have been arrested. His team did a good enough of destroying evidence and obstructing investigation. However, to anyone who has actually read the report, it's clear he isn't innocent, he just cleaned up after himself. Or rather, his people did.


Hello Alyssa Milano

You mean the FBI agent? Who has zero reason to hold a grudge against michael flynn? That Peter Strzok?
Also wasn't Michael Flynn caught at an airport trying to abduct someone for the saudi prince?

They're saying that the case against Flynn is lies. In fact it's the exact opposite: what has been revealed is that their strategy was to catch Flynn in a lie himself, which he obliged by lying to federal investigators and got into serious trouble.

if you're gonna just go full tin hat you might as well post on /x/

It's not even tin hat. Read the report. There is a fuckton of documentation regarding this.

Paul Manafort was guilty for some bank fraud...while working on behalf of the russian government.
Also didn't paul manafort let people gangrape his unconscious wife?

>Also didn't paul manafort let people gangrape his unconscious wife?


Ah I see, so if there is no evidence the person in question is just really good at covering up.

Why don't MIGAtards stay in their general?

But Tara reade has already been on record last year saying Biden never sexually assaulted her.
Also really suspicious she only comes out with a different story just as Biden cinches the democratic nomination. People say she's a bernie bro but then why did she praise Biden for years on twitter?

>yo we couldn't find any evidence and even though we spent 2 years investigating this and found no evidence of tampering we still think their was evidence tampering.
i must have missed that part of the report. For fuck sake dude the Clinton administration couldn't hide a blowjob, you want me to believe they could coordinate all of this with the Trump administration, an administration that is notoriously leaky?

>Except his Russian collusion was clearly real

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Multiple national intelligence agencies do.
Why would multiple national intelligence agencies as in Intelligence agencies from multiple countries all confirm that russia interfere in the 2016 US elections?

Well, he got one of those wishes

>Whoa what a shock, you're pushing the tara reade story too.
>The case was killed by a lack of courtworthy direct evidence.
You must be eager to get those Clinton emails then huh big guy?

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Ford's Attorney admitted her claim was politically motivated over paranoid delusions that Roe V Wade would be overturned.

Because national agencies are corrupt?

I'm sorry to break the flow of actual conversation on here for once but come the fuck on, he has to be leaning into the joke that he overexplains everything at this point.
I didn't think this was real until I checked his website. What the fuck?

no, they're Trump supporters who are pretending Trump never sexually assaulted anyone

>So three of the president's most closest advisors end up convicted for crimes? What a corrupt administration this must be.
If your goal is to convict a person of a crime and you don't care what the particular charges end up being, it's not difficult to get a conviction.

I guarantee if the resources of the FBI were tasked with convicting you of a crime they could no doubt find evidence that at some point in your life you shoplifted a candy bar, parked in a no parking zone, or gave two slightly different responses to an interviewer's questions.

Apparently Paul Manafort drugs up his wife and let's people fuck her unconscious body while he films it.

Difference is consent, faggot.
As hard as it is to believe, women actually wanted to fuck Trump.