Yas Forums qoutes that are just stuck with you

I will start
>and uh..universe juice

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I miss the Kung Fu Panda era. The late 2000's were pretty good.

>this.... is berk

>"Everyone, everywhere!.... will know the wonders of my nipples!"

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>Teeth to the left of me, gums to the right of me! I Tell you I can't stand it! I'm going MAD!"

> "We're fu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-hu-finn and jake."
> "We'll ma-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha ma-ake you cry."

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>"Speedy Gonzales! He knows my sister!"
>"Speedy Gonzales knows every bodies sister"
my favorite.

"Fruit pulp plank, fruit pulp. Relax."

>woah woah woah! I didn’t know Dan Aykroyd was in this picture!

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truly... they were... an aqua teen... hunger force

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>"Your car is badass. Too bad you're a pussy!"

Me and friends use that quote after finishing every movie we watch but replace the "Aqua Teen Hunger Force" part with the title of what ever it was

>"Squeeze me! Harder!"
Initiate animal like war scream!

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The abruptness of it.

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"oh god you're killing me. OH GOD! You're killing me!"

>"There's a bomb in the lasagna?!"

the part where they all shove each other gets me every time

>slip of the hand and it's off to dream land

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"Is that the support beam to the house!?"

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>You don't have to be the bad guy.

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I can only think of lines from the pastel equines. Oh god I'm ruined.

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What does amorous mean?

>All I ever did, I did to make you proud!
Kino desu

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"I thought you said weast."

>Who filled my head with with dreams? Who drove me to train until my bones cracked? Who denied me my destiny?
Tai Lung was just based as hell

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>there is not a secret ingridient

>"It's not about winning, it's about having fun!"