Why didn't they make it give a matter eating power?
As is, it was just a shittier dragon talisman.
Why didn't they make it give a matter eating power?
I had to look it up
>Heat vision
Yeah kinda weird for pig related powers
Also some of the talismans have two like the rooster
Telekinesis and levitation are basically the same thing
Levitation is just using telekinesis on yourself.
>Why didn't they make it give a matter eating power?
Because matter eating is a stupid fucking power that requires the most contrived of plotlines to be even remotely useful.
I'm sorry, YOUR pigs don't have laser eyes?
Then what's flying?
Flying is Rooster + Bunny, Jade explains it.
>Because matter eating is a stupid fucking power that requires the most contrived of plotlines to be even remotely useful.
Because it had to match one of Shendu's powers.
To be fair it's pretty confusing to explain what exactly Kirby is.
They fought complete Shendu before collecting all the talismans? I swear they only fight him after they gather all talismans.
It could've been him just using the dragon differently anyway.
They used the Rat talisman on him once for him to take a kind of shortcut.
why does a dragon need eye beams and fire breath
Weird. One would think he would only be alive using the rat talisman, not recover all of his powers.
He is a friend.
>From one note villain to lovable ally
How did this work out so well? I can't imagine they actually planned this from the start.
To also be fair, the power copying is just as if not more dangerous than the actual eating.
His physical form is imposing enough is that a Rat-only run should be enough to stomp.
During the final fight, they were specifically aiming for the rat iirc.
This only works with Kirby because he's essentially a walking mouth.
Do you realize how weird it would be to see him using his powers looking like this?
The first game only had eating.
>Do you realize how weird it would be to see him using his powers looking like this?
I kind of want to now.
Henchmen are just trying get paid. They aren't always evil. I mean why didn't Batman ever try and recruit goons?
Even as a kid I never liked this scene.
Meowth IS a pokemon.
Why does another pokemon have to explain to him that pokemon aren't evil?
If Meowth does bad things on his own volition, doesn't that imply that pokemon can be bad?
Meowth's master is society.
Meowth, Being a cat that talks, is a level of intelligence higher than a snake, rat, or smoke bomb
>"Don't tremble so much, poyo. Just relax, you want to be inside me, don't you, poyo?"
Or, possibly, ekans is just not smart, since even when translated his grammar is still bad
Meowth strove to be like man, and thus learned evil, but a regular Poke'mon can only learn four moves.
Maybe becoming capable of evil is how you learn to do more than four things?
Aren't dark types literally born evil, though?
Were Pokemon bound by the four move limitation in the show? I'm sure Pikachu used more than four moves regularly.
>Meowth strove to be like man, and thus learned evil, but a regular Poke'mon can only learn four moves.
>gives you TF fetish
I'm still having trouble trying to process this fucking thing. It's a Pokemon ice cream with three stages.
He didn’t recover his powers when they used Rat on him, they had to give him the talismans.
The first season was mad libs and didn't follow game rules at all.
I think they continued like that until the middle of Johto, sometime after that Dragonite with seven moves.