So, can you genuinely explain the boxing fetish?

So, can you genuinely explain the boxing fetish?

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Brendan Schaub

What's to explain? Seems pretty vanilla.

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It's a fetish for boxing

I can't, but I'd argue fistfights are always better than one-punch tag shit.

Is this like that guy who drew a bunch of stuff where Chuckie beats up different character?

its just ryona with a niche

Is this the same guy who made this comic?

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Attached: boxing_chuckie_vs_numbuh_4___1_by_jose_ramiro_d4upeoy-pre.jpg (831x961, 143.93K)

I think Jose is a pretty good artist, however his way of making everybody look extremely buff is kinda off putting.

Thanks for telling me what that word is. Now I finally know why pic related made my pee pee hard when I was 7

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Ok helga's creepy interest in Arnold has gone too far

>no loses
jesus CHRIST

Also, I don't know whats sadder that someone drew this or that someone will have their record tarnished by the end of the night

Why do think Numbah 4 loses

It wouldn't be so bad if he didn't draw everybody so identical to each other, with transplanted heads on poorly-drawn bodies.

I think it’s that cabbage patch look he gives every character.

because Chuckie's nickname is literally "the tiger" that only that, but he has less draws then Numbuh 4 has meaning hes more ruthless

Jose Ramiro doesn't drew these for his fetish, those are requests

well have fun fapping I don't really like it so I can't give recommends

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It makes no goddamn sense!

>Yas Forums
>Possible domination/humiliation

mind, that dude goes past fetish to full-on obsession to me, but it's easy to get

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Shoutout to Neggy daddy for holding it down

This guy gets it.

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Post official ladies boxing.

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>clobberin' time..

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No, Jose Ramiro is a legend but he's not that big of a legend

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