Just sort of a random thing I thought of, is Cyclops Optic blasts Infinite...

Just sort of a random thing I thought of, is Cyclops Optic blasts Infinite? is there a comic or something that addresses it. Like if he just took off his glasses and stared at something that would infinitely absorb the energy (a mini black whole or something) would it never run out? Would he get psychically exhausted or would his power temporarily be drained.

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that's a good question
i don't fucking know????

Before the Punch Dimension retcon, Cyke's powers were solar powered, kinda like how Havok absorbs ambient cosmic energy
And on one occasion he absorbed Storm's lightning and shot a more powerful white optic blast

It seems to vary with writers just how the Optic Blasts actually work. During All New X-men, Teen Scott actually ran out of energy and had to stop using his powers because he was exhausted

Isn't he bottoming for Wolverine now?

It comes from the cuck dimension.

wait...is that real? Due to the dumb name and my inability to find anyone affiliated with xmen talking about it (just places like this and random messageboards), I just assumed it was just a meme.

Is it the same with Havok?

During civil war him and bishop tried cracking open a bunker and it was a strain on both of them.

I is as real as the meat dimension.

Havok absorbs comic rays, stores it, and converts them into plasma. He has more control over the absorption as well, being able to eat a guy that was a living star, selectively absorb a component of cosmic energy such as gamma radiation, and even survive being thrown into a star. He can run out of stored energy though.

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> meat dimension

Ok, you're actively messing with me now.

Havok is so fucking cool

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The name is a meme, but yes, it was retconned in at some point that Cyclops' beams are actually a result of his eyes being dimensional gateways to a dimension of pure energy, so when he opens them, that energy spills out and it basically smashes through whatever it touches.

The name isn't official, and I think the whole explanation has only appeared in guidebooks, but still, it's true. The supposedly official explanation for Cyclops' power is that rather than releasing a beam, he just opens a portal to a dimension of pure concussive energy.

Still, I don't think that has ever been stated in the comics themselves - even though they've hinted at it sometimes, like here. But it's never been outright stated outside of guidebooks.

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Reminds me of the ending of this:

Him and Moon Knight are my most wanted marvel characters to be in the Next VS. Game especially this outfit.

It's a nickname for the extradimensional source that Pym Particle users access when they increase their mass

Why is over-explanation such a common trope in media now, Just because the ridiculous fantasy super-power can be explained in depth doest make it less silly.
In fact it makes more silly for the wrong reasons

There used to be a limit but writers either forgot about it or retconned it.

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No one uses that term in comics

Every time someone questions where the mass comes from when Pym grows giant they just say lol Pym Particles

Kamala Khan on the other hand definitely got over-explained

Off topic but I really dig the style in that illustration. Better than 90% of the comic coloring I see.

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another reason why I ask this what if Scott never got his visor or sun glasses and he was just left to himself, getting pissed off about not being able to see so he just lets it rip.

Technically infinite because of the punch dimension being infinite blunt force.

Can always expect X-book writers to write something that retarded.

He would theoretically, going by old lore, exert himself until he passes out or dies. His body is involuntarily exerting copious amounts of energy so those would be the two most likely outcomes.

its based off the artwork/designs from the capcom games which was done by Kinu Nishimura

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posting more fanart

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And the overall designs of the capcom games were based on the 90's cartoon

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He is, hope Hellions turns out great for him.

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In my head canon, its infinite energy but his body can't hold onto the strain of having to control that much power