An evil force threatens the Disney Multiverse (Disneyverse...

An evil force threatens the Disney Multiverse (Disneyverse?) and a number of the heroes must band together to form a team capable of saving existence from it. Which heroes join the team? Which don't? Are there any obvious choices that I've completely forgotten?

For the sake of this topic, let's say Genie is set free at this point, so that way he 1) can act without a master and 2) doesn't render the rest of the team pointless.

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Free or not, Genie is stronger than all of them combined. Eitheir he's strong enough to face the evil force or the Dinseyverse just lose

I dunno. He might technically have the power, but in Aladdin The Series, Genie would frequently get bested by beings and things that had no business taking out a genie.

isn't that just kingdom hearts?

I mean, hell, in Return of Jafar, Genie just gets *knocked out* at one point like a normal person.

I meant the characters would actually come together and form a team though, as opposed to staying separated in their specific worlds.

I vote that Jack Skellington should be part of this team, as he has the magical abilities of fire, electricity and ice, and he has had extensive combat experience over the course of 4 games. Not to mention access to a small amount of weapons.

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All of them get anal vored by THICC Broly

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Ah, yeah, Jack. I knew I was forgetting someone.

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Unfortunate no its not even close

ill just take ariel, rapunzel, and mulan

It depends on the nature of the threat. Is it technological? Magical? Is it Hades or the Chaos God, or an unknown?

Isn't this Disney Heroes?

I was thinking just some new threat with a generic army force that could be harmed by any means, so that way we don't have to rule characters out by default, but I like the idea of using the Chaos God. I assume you mean Solego?

I always forget that's a thing. Googling it now, goddamn, it's got a better roster than Disney Infinity did. Fan favorite characters, TV show characters, Muppets, very little Star Wars... holy shit.

Yeah, Solego.

I think Disney has enough characters that it makes more sense to break them into squads.

Kim, Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Mulan, and Goliath would absolutely be team leaders.

Rapunzel and Felix are healers.

Ralph is a bruiser.

Basically, break them down into classes and give them missions based on their unique talents.

And then you'd have these two yãyhoos stumbling around the background, their antics ending up providing a key part of the resolution.

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Genie lost most of his power when he got wished free, which is why he isn't a constant Deus Ex Machina for RoJ and the series.

Oh yeah, I was picturing them splitting off in some fashion. Either in a simple "you take the left, I'll take the right" like Cap's strategy in the first Avengers, or in teams like in Endgame. At least, depending on what the threat was.

Imagine some really tense sequence where Hercules, Ralph, and Mr. Incredible have to use their strength to hold back or lift up some really immense object, like a crashing ship or something.

Which is the point I was making. Since Genie would be free and thus lacking a good percentage of his original power, he wouldn't render the other heroes completely irrelevant.

in a time of great need, a hero returns

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Plot twist. The big villain is Julius.

I've been working on a Disney RPG for ages and I actually have a solid story lined up where a group of 13 classic Disney villains ally together to take over the Magic Kingdom, and you build a resistance of classic characters. Most of the work so far is in mechanics, but I've given a lot of thought to who the main squad would be.

Mickey is definitely the leader, then there's Aladdin, Beast, Ariel, Rapunzel, and Peter Pan as the main group so far. I'd like to build as many different characters as I could for the game but obviously it's just a concept so far.

I'd love to make it reality but I don't think that'd ever happen.

Mickey: Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal, our priority's containment. Robin, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Lightyear, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash.

Robin Hood: [to Buzz Lightyear] Want to give me a lift?

Buzz Lightyear: Right. Better clench up, Tinkerbell.

[Buzz Lightyear takes Robin Hood up to the roof]

Mickey: Elsa, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow 'em down. You got the ice. Chill the boys out.

[Elsa swings her hands and flies off and Mickey turns to Mulan]

Mickey: You and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Ralph?

[Ralph turns and glares at Mickey]

Mickey: Wreck It!

I like the idea. Could make for a fun fan game, at least. Who were the thirteen villains?

I love it. Nice choices for the Avenger equivalents.
>Elsa, you gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow 'em down. You got the ice - Freeze the bastards. Huh-hah!

Maleficent and Hades led as equals, with Facilier as their "errand boy". Besides them:
>Evil Queen
>Captain Hook
>Cruella de Vil
>Oogie Boogie
>Davy Jones

Other villains like Pete or Gaston would show up as hired hands, some individuals like Frollo or the bride from Haunted Mansion were against both heroes and villains and had their own little sub-plot, and then the idea for the final boss was [SPOILER] After beating Maleficent in both normal and dragon form, they summon Chernabog who perches atop Cinderella Castle, promptly "kills" Maleficent, and now all the Disney heroes and villains band together for the final stand. [/SPOILER]

Even had some ideas for potential "DLC" that pulls from Disney TV to throw series like Gargoyles, Kim Possible, and Gravity Falls into the mix without muddying the concept of "classic Disney good vs. evil" while still tying it to the main plot.

aw fuck spoilers didn't work

Don't use caps for the "spoiler."

That sounds fun! If that was my idea and I had any type of game programming knowledge I'd definitely be trying to make it as a fan game. You should consider it, if you want to. I'd play it.

Threw Jack in because I only put Mickey in as space filler anyway.

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Aladdin, Hercules, Elsa, Mulan and Stitch. There!

>Leader: Goliath
Of all of the Disney characters I can think of off the top of my head, Golitath has the most experience as a leader. He's pretty much their equivalent of Optimus Prime.
Alt.: Buzz Lightyear

>The Brute: Hercules
Mr. Incredible is also up there, but Herc is younger and would probably be more willing to take orders from the team leader.
Alt.: Mr. Incredible

>The Brains: Hiro
Good teamwork skills plus he knows how to find and develop weapons that build upon his team's strengths.
Alt.: Ludwig von Drake

>The Ranger: Gizmo Duck
Good mobility and ranged weapons for any scenario. He tends to be really competent when he puts his mind to it, i.e. his appearances on Darkwing Duck.
Alt.: Robin Hood

>The Wild Card: Genie
Obligatory magic user. Can fill in any role the team needs plus helps keep up team morale.
Alt.: Elsa

>Alt.: Ludwig von Drake
Oh man, Ludwig on a superhero team. That'd be fun.