Screencap Thread

Starting off with some fresh content

Attached: DENNIS2.png (1876x2297, 2.03M)

Thats just mean

I don't get it.

Some dude was autistic enough to spend years of his life trolling a shitty letsplayer. What's not funny about that?

what drives an autist to do this?

the shirt makes no sense, what does it have to do with the story

Easily the best.

Attached: Imagination is a Wonderful Thing.png (1746x3944, 1.61M)

This one's pretty good too.

Attached: The Aqua Teens Meet Ms. Marvel.png (1350x493, 54.14K)

Last one from my Yas Forums folder.

Attached: Now Somewhere in the Black Mountain Hills of Arlen.jpg (1470x1062, 252.72K)

I was wondering to. Its not as abscond as the guy who went to the pool get weighted, but I see very little point to this story.

Did you even read the posts?

Shit, wrong post

A classic

Attached: 34ir2m44kx321.png (1636x3192, 1.89M)

It's more sad than funny, to be honest. The targets don't even seem all that fucked up. Chris Chan was doomed, so there's not much to feel bad about. From a quick look, this just seems like a jackass with too much time on his hands harassing a stranger.

>Chris Chan was doomed,
Chris-chan's just an awful person who's autistic to boot.

How did that one guy's brother convince him that Cyclops, Robocop, and Geordi were the same person, did he give an explanation for the race change?

Some men just want a tangerine

Attached: 1583176045592.png (687x738, 599.54K)

Attached: E451B34D-52C7-4DF7-970F-77BD9C3B09F7.png (866x3016, 2.7M)

Attached: download (30).jpg (292x172, 11.01K)

Attached: NgfgFM3qJEfWtFHku5Fqpd0BST7DYDMC618TEkUMj7M.jpg (2592x3420, 1009.91K)

will it cost extra for a couple more jpeg sir?

I don't get it

Attached: Just+your+everyday+korra+thread+on+co+every+board+may_ffe036_5176132.png (1300x1700, 736.37K)

I actually don't get this at all. Some guy pays money to give a guy lots of youtube subs, tells them all to get him to review a movie, he does, the video gets taken down for copyright violations, and then he deletes all his videos. Somewhere in this story, the OP wears a shirt with the youtube guys face on it that seems to have nothing to do with the series of events he's explaining. Where's the funny? What was the point of all this?

Shitty screencap, shitty content.

Yes. That's what MAKES IT FUNNY.

Attached: 1586994680288.jpg (2000x6373, 2.36M)

Why the fuck do like half the screencaps look like a fuckin children's collage? There's no reason to just throw a shit ton of reaction images all over the place with random zoomed in text, it's more annoying than funny.

what kind of middle school faggot bullshit is this

This is just cringe.