What is it about her personality that pisses you off?

What is it about her personality that pisses you off?

Attached: The_Owl_House_-_Luz.png (360x450, 158.65K)

Too skinny

Attached: CDE8A689-A9F7-4FBF-B3E0-F30F1445CCDD.png (279x574, 14.93K)

I actually love her.

Attached: CuteFunnyLuz2.png (545x839, 562K)

I'll level with you user. I've never seen her show. I have no reason to like or dislike her. On first impression on seeing this picture, it just seems obviously like a missed opportunity to showcase some good clean midriff.

People don't hate Luz, Anne or Tulip
It seems The Legion Of Calarts has finally learned their lesson after Star about making teenage female protagonists likeable

she won't admit she's thirsty green haired witchling genitals

Attached: tumblr_737ff9c231e4e9b76541f9e9c737d63b_7ea2f60b_2048.png (2048x1802, 871.74K)

Why does she have a monkey lip?

I like her personality. The only real problem I have with the show is how Luz keeps calling out the plot points.


She's too perfect which means I'll never have a Luz wife.

Attached: tumblr_563ea79de6f6f01a520c2fd798aa8e2f_6229f82f_1280.jpg (960x1248, 250.23K)

She doesn't get naked ever.

Nothing, she's adorable

I was mad when the grabbed Edna by her collar in episode 11.

That was disrespectful as fuck

god, i hope that one of the few good things that come out of the pandemic is a backlash against fat acceptance

Did I miss something about this whole pandemic? What does being fat have to do with the corona virus?


Way too naive.

obesity is the leading morbidity factor for covid-19

I wouldn't say it pisses me off, but she's not adequately respectful of Edda given the situation she's in and it bothers me somewhat. Edda took Luz in when she could have just pushed her through the portal back to Earth. Edda is under no obligation to do anything for Luz out of the novelty, and every step of the way Luz finds a way to be difficult.

Now, at least Luz isn't as bad as Anne in Amphibia. I've only seen the first four episodes of that, but Anne legitimately pisses me off. Unlike Luz, Anne has no way to get home (from what I've seen). Her survival depends on the kindness of HopPop, whom Anne shows even less respect towards than Luz does for Edda.

She deliberately has the same lips as Gus because she's Dominican and thus over 50% negro

Attached: owlhouse.png (771x552, 511.54K)

>"Luz don't do the thing"
>Does the thing

Attached: VERY_peeved_kirb.jpg (205x224, 5.11K)

>god, i hope that one of the few good things that come out of the pandemic is a backlash against fat acceptance
We're fat fetishists.
We don't accept fat people, we only wants the sex.
That's why the cartoons

She’s slightly retarded but honestly that makes her way better than worse.

She's one of those kids that doesn't get invited to the part for a reason. I mean, you saw how she acted alone, talked herself into stealing and betrayal.

This pic reminds of the dora the explorer pornstar in aqua teen more than anything else

Nothing. She has super cute.

Did fat acceptance even gained a foothold? I didn't see anything about in a while


Wouldn't it be funny if Amity was a chubby chaser hahaha?

it happened 2 times in the second episode and the 11, nothing more

She's autistic in canon.

Wouldn’t it be funny, if she used a weight gain spell haha? And Luz rips her pants in from of Amity? Hey heh


And wouldn’t it be funny if they then contorted their bodies into cubes? Ha ha wouldn’t that be hilarious? Just then turning into cubes and then turning to stone? Ha ha

Covid is literally eugenics.

yeah, cept bergerland