You know Ozai was kind of a shitty final boss, wasn't he...

You know Ozai was kind of a shitty final boss, wasn't he? He was kind of boring and uncompelling as a character and his final fight with Aang didn't have a lot of bite to it. This is especially the case after the show gave us Zuko, Zhao, Azula, and Long Feng, all of whom were very enjoyable, interesting villains.

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I see your point, Azula was way more cruel and insane then her own father#, they should have made her the main villain instead. But I still was way to excided to see how he looks like, since his appearance was kept a secret until book 3. I like villains like him who wants be a god and ruler over everything but the problem always is, that such villains always feel so bland.

How could he have been more interesting

Yeah but did you see those abs?

how is azula more cruel than the guy that burned half his own sons face off, had his dad assassinated, and had his wife and the mother of his children banished for life?

I remember when the show was first airing being severely disappointed that Ozai didn't have a better goal than just "take over the world". I would have even accepted that if they'd fleshed out his character more and gave him some kind of internal justification for it, but it was seriously just "I want to take over the world because I do" and they left it at that.

he was supposed to be super intimidating but him not being able to take on Aang in the avatar form kind of gimped how threatening he was supposed to be.

its so weird how the creators made a big deal about not revealing Ozai's face until Day of Black Sun.

It's probably been a long time since he fought anyone in a real fight 1v1.
He's probably got some fire benders to practice with occasionally and maybe a couple earth and water benders who are...compelled to spar with him.
And he's definitely never fought an air bender.
He's been sitting on his throne, commanding Admirals and Generals to fight at his behest.
Overconfidence was his downfall.

she bullied Zuko which is unforgivable to these toddlers.

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Ozai was a badass
Zhao and Long Feng were punk ass bitches. Zhao got shat on by both Aang and Zuko in separate episodes so soon after his introduction, he felt like some forgettable rando even if his VA was badass. And hard to take Long Feng seriously after we see Appa skip him across the lake and humiliated by Azula; the conspiracy was really neat but I barely attribute Long Feng to it, that's what made Ba Sing Se interesting not Long Feng who's just some drab guy. The Dai Li fodder were cooler villains than Long Feng.

Aang vs Ozai was rad as hell and the raw power that exuded from Ozai was more than suitable, it felt like a proper final RPG villain. All of Ozai's scenes in any episode were great. He was more of a looming presence compared to his active daughter but at the end of the day she's still just basically his pitbull. It would have been dumb if Ozai was actually this deep complicated character who just wants to save the world or some shit, he was an amalgamation of a hundred years of Fire Nation aggression and Fire Lords thinking it's their "divine right" to rule.

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If they explained his tax policy

As with so many things in Avatar: The Last Airbender, there is an easy parallel to the Star Wars original trilogy here. Ozai is basically Sheev. He's the "man behind the man," the one who RULES the evil empire, the guy so evil and so powerful and so badass that all our previous villains (Zhao, Azula) call him "boss." And, surprise surprise, he's not just a figurehead, but is extraordinarily powerful in his own right, able to put up a more than adequate fight against our Hero. And it is, indeed, him that our Hero will have to fight if he wants to end the war, save the day, and get the girl.

Yet for some reason I just don't feel the same oomph from Ozai that I get from Palpatine. Sheev is one of the greatest movie villains of all time. Pretend the prequels don't exist; purely going by his screentime in ROTJ, he's a magnificent villain who oozes presence and charisma. Ozai, for whatever reason, doesn't give off that feeling. Or, at least, he doesn't for me.

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As a final antagonist Ozai dd his job. Simple, clear and obvious goals. There was no depth or complexity to him because we'd already had it in the people you mention.
Having Ozai be a literal destroy the world style nemesis made him a foil for aang. Sure he could have had nuance and depth, an expanded look at his relationship with Iroh, how he came to be what he is today, his wife and all the rest. But you can't have everything and for a kids show it's perfectly excusable to have one big shouty bad guy

>He's the "man behind the man," the one who RULES the evil empire, the guy so evil and so powerful and so badass that all our previous villains (Zhao, Azula) call him "boss." And, surprise surprise, he's not just a figurehead, but is extraordinarily powerful in his own right, able to put up a more than adequate fight against our Hero. And it is, indeed, him that our Hero will have to fight if he wants to end the war, save the day, and get the girl.
Why would you compare him to sheev? He's neither a mastermind. He's powerful sure but not in a league of his own no one else is in

why does ozai get away with so much shit

>Ozai, for whatever reason, doesn't give off that feeling. Or, at least, he doesn't for me.
I agree with the Palpatine comparison but in terms of presence, Ozai did it for me.
His big muscly man body and the ridiculously grandiose lines delivered perfect, gravelly superiority by Mark Hamill absolutely do it for me in terms of making Ozai a sheer force of nature when he’s in action.
A lot of why I think Ozai works is all down to his presentation because it’s true, he’s not particularly deep, not that I think he has to be.

On a side not, neither Zhao, Long Feng or Ozai were particularly well developed but to me, they didn’t have to be. They were institutional villains, representing different wrongs that existed in the world. You don’t need a backstory to understand Fire Nation militarism or the oppression in Ba Sing Se, just a figurehead.
Zuko and Azula fulfilled the roles of personal villains, whose arcs required an understanding of their backstory and deeper motivations.
To me, this is why someone like Amon falls short. He’s introduced as an institutional villain and is fantastic as one, but 2/3s through the show they start making appeals to his unique personal backstory and there’s a serious disconnect between that and what the audience sees him as.

LOK failed in a lot of ways but its antagonists (Una whatever aside) were much more compelling. Even Azula was a bit of a cartoon character even if she had slightly more depth than Ozai.

what gets me is that he loses in the first 5 minutes when Aang has the chance to redirect lighting into his face

>Pretend the prequels don't exist
The prequels are what make Sheev great though. He ran a 20+ year con on the entire galaxy to have them willingly put him in charge of everything and it worked.

It’s not so much that the prequels made Sheev great, more that he’s the only consistently good thing in them.

retard there is a thread for you to cry about korra go

>but it was seriously just "I want to take over the world because I do" and they left it at that.
We got a whole thing of backstory with him and Azulon that explained it. He didn't just want to because he wanted to, he wanted to finally achieve the goal his family had been trying to do since his grandfather's age. He'd been so driven to prove himself after being passed over for the initial choosing of the crown for Iroh that he would do anything to make the Fire Nation the greatest.

I fucking love the intro for this fight. Its my favorite ever.

>Oh I've made a mistake.

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what was his tax policy? what was his laws for the LGBT?

>what was his laws for the LGBT?
I would say he is not a progressive. he literally hates women

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You know what's boring? Having the same conversation years and years.

you know whats pointless? making this unoriginal comment over and over again.

Well before them he was less of a character than Ozai so I'll take it.