Attached: Betty & Veronica.png (1241x879, 1.15M)

Betty is pure sex

Attached: 1Betty.png (5052x1868, 1.57M)

How's Australia treating you, user?

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Lili Reinhart for Supergirl

Attached: lili_reinhart_as_supergirl_by_jakubmaslowski_dcocrnl-fullview.jpg (896x1056, 119.91K)

That is more than a little freaky looking

Attached: 1580935552121.webm (1920x1080, 2.98M)

Thanks for making these user. Reminds me of downloading favorite (non-sexual!) fanart of characters in middle school. Had a folder and everything. Good times...

Betty is legit crazy.

Never stick your dick in crazy.

Plus Veronica's got an ass that won't quit.

Attached: Dark Betty.webm (1280x720, 1.87M)

Veronica is the healthy choice in the long run. Betty is for anyone with a taste for crazy.Like Jughead.
I swear I shipped them before the series because some Archie threads here back in the day. I'm not sure how I feel about them being canon in Riverdale but I think this is really the only chance we'll ever get of this ship so...

Betty is legit crazy BUT she's loyal-crazy. She joined a gang for her BF, jeez.

Veronica is for sex only, but she is ridiculously loyal to her mobster daddy, to the point she sided with him over her boyfriend AFTER HER DAD SPENT MONTHS TRYING TO KILL ARCHIE.

Veronica is just a bitch, man.

Betty is pretty much the same way about Archie as Veronica is about her dad. At least Hiram isn't long for this world, while Archie in indestructable.

Betty is cuter.

>Betty is legit crazy BUT she's loyal-crazy.

Attached: Loyal.jpg (734x552, 60.23K)

>all the girls thirst after him
>musician, jock, knows trades, decent at school
>comes from a good home, dad is a pillar of the community
>has solid life prospects on multiple fronts
>good hearted, kind, loyal to his friends, always willing to help
>biggest flaws: headstrong, naive

>not chad
>poor social skills, always making obscure references to sound smart
>constantly doing illegal shit but not in a cool way, less james dean and more dylan klebold
>always in a gang or running a gang but sucks at it, ends up having them join the sheriff's department which is like the ultimate lose condition for a gang leader
>bookworm, nerdy
>only knows how to write and writes obnoxious pretentious shit
>his mom is a psycho and his dad is a semi-reformed gang leader
>trailer trash, was homeless for a while
>always antagonizing everyone
>a weirdo
>biggest flaws: w e i r d, insecure, not really stable

Archie would be the patrician choice for Betty and she doesn't deserve him, it's obvious why he's her oneitis.

I have to admit it was odd seeing Jughead, the self-proclaimed wEiRdO Lovecraft-loving movie buff say it's bizarre that there are still active video stores and acting like renting Friday the 13th a lot is indicative of being a murderer.

Have not seen s4 as the show has become straight trash but cheating >>>> backing up your murderous mobster dad after he tried to kill your boyfriend

Cheryl's actress is the hottest of the three.
Veronica is the best looking in the comics.
Betty is the best blend across both mediums in personality and looks.

Tough one.

Was that when Jughead was dead?

They did it again afterwards too

Once you go red, Jugg might as well be dead

oh no

Betty but it's a tight competition
Betty by an enormous margin

She turned him down, tho.

For now.

I'd prefer someone made up of the best of everyone tbqh.

>Veronica's face
>Betty's chest
>Cheryl's ass
>Josie's ability to work the system via the minority angle
>Pop's burger-making skills
>Jason's calm demeanor
>Jughead's thick skull
>Archie's surprise lesbian mom

Attached: Archiegirls.jpg (952x4666, 651.38K)

victor pls stop


Both but Lili is kinda hotter.

This could actually work, honestly.


you forgot Archie's actual biggest flaw: he's a big dumb idiot

Valerie is OBJECTIVELY best girl in the context of Riverdale and her getting written off so she could play a bit part in the garbage that was Altered Carbon is a tragedy.

Attached: Season_1_Episode_5_Heart_of_Darkness_Valerie_Brown.png (340x467, 223.81K)