Name a bigger Simp

Name a bigger Simp.
I'll wait.

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Star was such a simp that it resulted in two worlds converging into an apocalyptic scenario that likely resulted in nuclear war.

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I wish the term simp was coined 20 years ago. It isn't so bad nowadays, but 90's cartoons were full of "simp" male protags who put pussy on a pedestal.

I think "Hey Arnold" was ahead of its time. Arnold was one of the only male protags at the time who wasn't a simp.

Arnold was a simo for Lila

I want to fuck his tight bird ass to oblivion.


I like the word simo. It makes me think of a rustic italian deli where the cheese is divine and the salted meats are choice enough to make you drool and smack your lips.

Pic related is a simp son.

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Terrible, you sneed to do better.

He's my husbando :3

>Name a bigger Simp.
>INB4 Haida doesn’t count because he anime
According to Yas Forums Aggretsuko isn’t anime.

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>>INB4 Haida doesn’t count because he anime
No one say that right?
>According to Yas Forums Aggretsuko isn’t anime.
Then what is it then? It was made in japan wasnt it?

Got this image makes him attractive


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he cute

It not anime if it’s produced by Netflix or look cartoony like Aggretsuko

Is childhood trauma an excuse?

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>look cartoony like Aggretsuko
is panty and stocking not an anime then

women lie constantly
they can't help it

Mordecai was built to be a femboy.

Imagine having taste this bad

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Cody is a unique case where he became a chad after he was a simp

>Name a bigger Simp.

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how is mordecai a simp? And why is is so bad?

He would be a good trap
Twinkish, cute, awkward, desperate enough to do anything

Not really, Lenore did traumatize him pretty badly but he did eventually get over her and bang his two non-relations on that football trip.

Sheldon from My Life as a Teenage Robot.