I don't get it.
>i believe animals have their own agency, deserve to live and not be slaughtered. thats why i volunteer for PETA
this but unironically
Most feminist movement include addressing how gender bias also do a disservice to men and how it would benefit men to not be forced into a gender role, but many consider that despite this, being a feminist means you hate men.
>thats why i volunteer for PETA
Nope, PEtA kill animals.
whereas feminist actually are about not forcing men into gender roles.
I have literally never met a feminist that acts civil. They are very quick to blame males for any perceived injustices, whether they're true of false. What they say and what they do are generally complete contradictions.
two people define the word "feminist" in two different ways
-ben garrison
No. Men and women are biologically different, in both body and mind. That's why there should be specialized roles for men and women.
u can say that as much as youd like, but feminism is ultimately a movement characterised by the actions of the people within it
u cant blame anyone for looking at actions rather than words
>Most feminist movements include addressing how gender bias also does a disservice to men
No. Fuck no. Some maybe. A few sure. But most? Get the fuck outta here.
If men and women are really equal then they should have equal say on the abortion of their respective child. A woman shouldn't be able to get an abortion without consent of the father. I mean they're equal right? Equal share of the responsibility of the child they created together.
The thing that gets me is how passive-aggressive they are. They always talk so spiteful and condescending.
even the rare few that do, often present gender bias and inequality to be a problem men brought unto themselves, and for women to be their gracious saviors
General tendencies should never be applied absolutely forcing gender role on everyone.
ok, ill bite
the person who's body is literally being used should defo have more of a say
You really were not supposed to point that out
>but feminism is ultimately a movement characterised by the actions of the people within it
And most of them are about ALSO not forcing men into Gender roles.
>u cant blame anyone for looking at actions rather than words
Actually looking at action show that. it's believing in meme and bad rhetoric that will make you believe otherwise.
another political comic OP, another excuse to talk about politics on this board under the guise of talking about comics
So the father should be forced to support the thing he doesn’t want for two decades?
How is that fair.
No, children should be aborted if either parent objects to it.
>If men and women are really equal then they should have equal say on the abortion of their respective child.
When men start getting pregnet, then they will have the sole right to terminate it or ot. There is your equality.
You faggots are the ones who claimed "everything this political" to defend ruining comic books with your SJW garbage.
absolutely not, he should have as much of an ability as her to bail out of the situation, i just dont think he gets to say on whats done with another human being's body
A man can not decide for a woman no more than a woman can force a man to have a vasectomy. You have your equality, there.
Men should be able to just say
>Nah I don’t want it
And it resolves them of the financial obligation to support something they don’t want. Fair for both parties.
>You faggots
who? wtf makes you think im anyone who said anything?
are you just assuming that 'they dont wanna have this conversation, they must oppose MY VIEWS PERSONALLY! THEYRE THE OTHER SIDE!'?
get the fuck out
I guess that's fair. I've always thought fathers should have the right to a "legal" abortion. In that if they so choose to, they can waive their parenthood and not be responsible for the child before a certain time period. But that bring up the possibility of women just hiding the pregnancy and then hitting them with the child support.
I guarantee you women have just as much say over male pregnancies as men should have over female pregnancies.
One could argue that a father could have the right to repudiate his son, allowing the mother to get help from the state to help raise her kid.
But beyond that, that's a possible risk he has to accept out of having sex.
To be fair, you're thinking of the loudest bunch, but the loudest is not the most. We can easily think of the women that scream on youtube, or the over-the-top hillariously pathetic rants and Tumblrtots, but that's just a few we take notice of. Most feminists don't do that shit and don't hate men, so because they don't attract our attention we never consider they exist. But the loud ones, the cunt, they get all our attention,so they make us think they represent all the feminists.
We see this everywhere.
>News show black violent
Black people are violent
>Stories on a white family being racist
All white people are racist
>News tell about one gamer kid that goes crazy with a gun
Video games are all evil
>Story comes out about one lady being sexually harassed by terrible boss
Suddenly all bosses grope their female employees or send nudes.
So men and women aren't equal?
How is pregnancy not the same risk the woman accepts when having sex? If women get an out men get one, too.
when he chose to ejaculate inside of her he took a chance that she would choose to use his donated genetic information make another human being. she could also choose not to do that. either way, he contributed, so if the baby is born it's his responsibility even if he didn't have a say as to whether or not the mother kept her pregnancy.
examine things case by case
same way there are states where court decides whether a woman is healthy and wealthy enough to carry a child to term and raise it, or if she cant/was rape or what have ya, a court case should also decide whether a father can support a child, whether its actually his, and whether he was an irresponsible idiot and ran from the pregnancy or got tricked by the mother
its not perfect but dealing with it case by case is the best solution we got
>And it resolves them of the financial obligation to support something they don’t want
Not really. It's not their body who is going through a dangerous process to gestate the baby
based retard
>How is pregnancy not the same risk the woman accepts when having sex?
It's not the ame risk, women actually risk more and affect their body to a deep level, even put their life at risk. It's because they risk more that they are the one allowed to terminate the pregnancy.
Having to work for 20 years to support something you don’t want is far harder than carrying a child.
If only they had an option to abort the baby and avoid that process.
>"It's hard for you to understand because you're not a women. You can't see past your bag of privileges that allow you to prosper at the expense of minorities and women. You have agency while people like me have to work twice as hard to get have the results. It's not that we hate you, it's just you can't comprehend the advantages you've been given in life."
These are just some of the arguments I hear in my classes. I ignore it for the most part because it doesn't really affect me unless I try to counter it. But the use of identity politics as an argument always seems retarded to me. They're allowed to say I can't understand something based on the dangyiness of my genitalia but I can't say they can't understand understand "x" topic based on their genitalia's lack of danglyness. It's completely retarded and there is no use in arguing with them. They live in a world of complete contradictions but won't acknowledge it.
Not really, he fail to acknowledge women risk more than men.
>two people define the word "feminist" in two different ways
To be fair, one of them is objectively wrong.
>So men and women aren't equal?
No, sadly, male politicians continuously try to tell women what to do with their bodies. Meanwhile you'll never hear of a woman telling a man he has to carry his baby to term against his will.