After re-reading Scott Pilgrim, I realize that she was kinda a bitch

After re-reading Scott Pilgrim, I realize that she was kinda a bitch

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And that Kim is the best

I think that was the point. Scott is really shitty too.

and this is why she was good for Scott.

Mr. Wright originally wanted Scott to end up with Knives.

why the hell did scott waste so much effort for that bitch?

Scott was also a piece of shit

Would Yas Forums have liked the character if she swapped personalities with Kim or Lisa?

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>massive whore
>portrayed as the golden prize
>thinks she's too good for you anyway

Gotta disagree. I think she's mostly pretty nice in the comics, and certainly no worse than Scott overall.

>works in a low-end job
>still has a massive ego
I admit scott was also a piece of shit, but no sensible person would waste time with a person like her.

Ramona Flowers Ruined a Whole Generation of Women

yeah but she’s way worse than scott. she ruined 7 lifes

I thought she was wearing shorts initially.


fuck off with this shit. i agree that women are whore but scott pilgrim have no fault of this

She pumped and dumped a few guys and a lesbian, they're the ones who created a cult around her. You cant really blame her for that

Scott Simpglim

>she ruined 7 lifes

if i looked like THIS, of course i would think i'm the biggest shit around

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That’s like saying that you can’t blame Scott for the whole Knives thing. She used them

>Not seeing the superiority that was Lisa

Also awful. Scott was a lazy sleaze, and Knives was a hard working innocent girl, they were a poor match up. Not to mention I hate when authors just get two characters back together, the moment someone breaks up, move on, don't perpetuate this message of getting back together. The reason why you break up will still be there, you're just not a good match.

But Ramona was the flavor of the month at that time. The alternative girl who was weird, just like you, and would sun the normies but understand you as you are also special and unique. I just think Ramona is something of a accurate portrayal of such a self indulgent person.

>immigrant from the US
Now it makes sense.

scott, like every other male, has to experience at least few relationships to properly determine which girl is worthy to pick and is which are not. you don't expect from a college student to have the instincts of a 40 year old womanizer.

you can check your local pub or coffee shop if you're so desperate to see blue haired girls.

>understand you as you are also special and unique
except in real life they also treat you same as they treated other people all the way. Those people usually spend either rest of their lives in total ignorance or learn things from the hard way.

haven't you seen the price of that motherfucking coffee?

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e-girls were at kindergarten around the time scott pilgrim was popular Yas Forumsfag.

>except in real life they also treat you same as they treated other people all the way
Ah yeah, that what I was getting at; text never really conveys sarcasm correctly.

I don't know why I laughed at that

To be fair, Scott is a very low bar

I love Kim but I feel she'd be a cliche main love interest. She starts cold but then warms up to him? Maybe I watch too much anime but I'm sick of that trope

All the better. She's a good match with Scott.