Did somebody say Duolingo waifus ?

Did somebody say Duolingo waifus ?

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No-one did.


Top Right looks like a modern feminist
But the Bottom Left kinda hot. I'd fugg her.

i hate this style that every corporation uses. it looks ridiculous

like look at this bullshit

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Google doodles are truly hideous

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Literally only the Muslin looks fuggable

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I've always found it hilarious how no matter how unique or interesting a style is, it becomes soulless the moment a corporation latches itself onto it.
It makes sense and is expected. But the ratwheel is funny nonetheless.

None of these are the owl.

You have shit taste.

"This is you, a child in a grown-up's body. You don't know how to be a proper adult. We can help you with your adulting if you purchase consumer products through us."


these are garbage, they actually have some cute characters but these are all shit except maybe last girl
give her some better fashion sense and id smash

top left is pretty cute
muslim one is whatev
the others look like dykes

this is now an ugly corporate artstyle thread

>they actually have some cute characters

well don't keep us waiting, post them

I don’t think styles are inherently bland because a corporation uses them, it’s the way that they tend to be used. Consider that concessions and simplifications are made to mass-appeal. For a great example of art style versus everything else, Borderlands 3 looks really good, but the writing is abysmal and the plot is shitty and it feels like board driven hell, but not because of the design.

necks exist on a different plane in the corporate world

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It's to remind you that you're interchangeable. They could swap parts of you with someone else and nobody would ever notice the difference.


This stuff is clearly a successor of the 80s/90s factory pomo movement that was so prevelent in corporate art at the time. So why does it looks so bad when factory pomo looked so good? Is it just nostalgia?

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for one thing, these look more detailed

I dunno, I think it has something to do with there being more dimension. Comparing these two illustrations, the people in the older illustration definitely look kind of ridiculous, but there's still dimension and detail to it. The one on the left is just blobs of color

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They emphasize body over head size because they want your mindless labor, not you.

made for colonization

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>implying they want your labor
This is art for consumption, not production. The labor is done by factory slaves overseas.

I feel like even the simple stuff from the rime was more fun and less offensive though. This artwork even features the tiny heads and super flat colors but comes across far more appealing. These as well I'm thinking maybe it's the heavier use of contrasting colors and the fact they weren't scared of using the color black or having people who aren't smiling. Feels less sterile and manipulative.

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