Dan Slott

Has he ever written a good comic?

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His She Hulk run and that's it

this is the only good this hes done

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This man is based

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While it’s true that his whole comic run was getting old hat by the time Superior came out and it was time for him to leave the first year into Superior. However, if you were on Yas Forums beforehand, you’d have seen anons enjoying his stuff. From Slott, the only things that I really enjoyed were the following.
>New Ways to Die
>Nee Ways to Live
>Big Time
>Spider Island
>Ends of the Earth
Everything after Ends was complete trash.

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Mighty Avengers was pretty good.

Those are all trash, some had fun premises but the execution is always terrible. His Spider-Man was never good.

>hitting women
>not good
trash opinion

All his pre-Spiderman work is good

I liked that Arkham Asylum comic he did.


Superior spiderman

Slott was one of those writers people liked until he stayed on Spider-Man for way too long.



the gaunlet was good.

Living Hell's great. His Batman Adventures run was pretty solid too. Maybe Slott just needs to write Batman?

His Hank Pym stories are good.
The Mighty Avengers, and Avengers Initiative.
His Silver Surfer run is heavily praised.
His early work on Spider-Man was very good, it became hit-and-miss with Superior Spider-Man, and then was completely forgettable post-Superior Spider-Man.

He's clearly a Doctor Who fan, and his best work is when he's channeling the odd-ball high concept but silly execution style Doctor Who excels at.

The Batman Adventures.

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His Thing solo was good.

This artist would go on to shit up the Archie Sonic comic for a few years

>no one mentions GLA

Pretty much all his output before Spider-Man was entertaining at the minimum

Having a long run on Spider-Man burnt out all his ideas and being a twitter commando burnt out all his good will


top 10 Spider-Man writer

I think pretty much everything he did before Spiderman was good (She-Hulk, GLA, his different entries in the Avengers), and pretty much all of Yas Forums was OK with it.

Beginning with Spiderman (which to be fair felt heavily tainted by him being the poor sob to clean up the mess of OMD) his work less good. To me it felt. like the zany ideas and energy were still there, but editorial meddling preventing his stories from playing out. His Silver Surfer was OK, I think, but his Iron Man was more in the "meh" department.

>Batman Adventures
>Arkham Asylum: Living Hell
>Spider-Man/Human Torch
>The Thing
>some parts of Avengers: Initiative
>MIghty Avengers
>Amazing Spider-Man since Big Time until Ends of the Earth
>the first half of Superior Spider-Man
>Silver Surfer
Here. I think that covers it

I like his FF but I haven't read his Iron man, everything he did post superior in his spidey run was shit. Pre superior was alright. I like his she hulk but he seemed to have one joke he liked to run into the ground (her promiscuity) though his thing comic run was pretty good to. All in all he's a decent writer but he seems to have a thin skin and hates peter parker for some reason

Superior Spider-Man.

It's just fashionable to pretend to hate it. It was a brilliant refresh and made people care about having white bread Parker back


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