Wow, just wow...

>Wow, just wow. It’s like all our consciousnesses are the just part of the universe and the we’re all notes that make up the song of existence, man. That’s so beautiful. It’s like in Buddhism when the Tibetans say “The wind is the soul of the Earth.” that’s exactly how I feel when I take LSD. Wow. So when we die and all the neurones in our brain stop firing, the body becomes food for the worms but our trie selves become one with the nothingness of the cosmos, that’s enlightenment, it’s right their in the Bible. Wow, dude. That’s blowing my wad. That’s just a totally natural process and we get so wrapped up in “life” but once you’ve taken pejote with an Arawakan sun priest, you can feel the fibres of your own muscles, you know? And that’s exactly how Freud describes the Umbilical Stage, like, when we’re first perceiving concepts around us. I don’t know that a dog is a dog, I don’t know I’m not supposed to shove tampons down my dickhole, right? But meditation is like that. You start to perceive abstractions of existence bigger than yourself and realize we’re all just one on the cosmic plane. Wow, it’s so beautiful.

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If I said I enjoyed this show for both its content and visuals would that make you mad?

Not mad, son.
Just disappointed.

>hanuman and jesus are the same
Whats wrong with you that you think this is deep? Its obvious shittalking to provide context and juxtapose the narative shown in the animation. You're not meant to take it seriously

animation sucks, premise sucks, can't believe that the adventure time guy shat out this turd

ok boomer

>don’t pay attention to the podcast elements of this animated podcast
What sort of point is that to make?
Even if we’re extremely generous to the point of ignorance and accept your point that the nu-age rambling nonsence is anything less than 100% sincere, even that it’s being played in service to the animation and not the other way around, that doesn’t make it a good show, or even any better.

I don't get you Yas Forums. First you shit on everyone being "self-aware" and "ironic" these days, but when someone actually takes themselves seriously, you refuse to attempt to understand them. So do you want serious stuff or not?

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>stop making fun of my show!
>you're just mad and seething if you laugh at how bad it is
show is shit and people enjoy laughing at it

Disgusting show.

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We want something that takes itself seriously, but isn't pretentious shit

I wanna hear comments and takes one the last episode and what Yas Forums thought of it

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Just make an effort to understand the mindset behind it dude.

The mindset of a self-important, comfortably upper middle-class, 50+ year-old Californian with a career in “the arts”?

>you just don't get it
no I get it, it's still shit

>strawman my point so your piss criticism has meaning
The podcast is not the structure of the show. Its a lens to help interpret the "main" narrative shown by the animations. Pay enough attention to enjoy the paralells and contradictions. Thats where the humor is. Dont write a thesis on it, you'll waste your time and miss the good parts.

Try again, you’ll get it right the third time, International bf

the shitty podcast is still a major part of the show and ruins the entire thing

Main narrative, my ass.
The animations are largely an afterthought. There are some genuinely charming moments in them where, like you’ve pointed to, the visuals make an ironic twist on what’s being said, but they’re few and far between and trying to argue that that’s the main drive of the show or even equal to the podcast is a desperate stretch.

Don't be a commie user. I'm living in a second world country and I like it without getting butthurt that the creator is better off than me.
Whenever people use the word "pseudo-intelllectual", do you think they have actually bothered to think about the possible themes and implications of the work, as well as the author's intentions, coming to the conclusion that those are indeed pretentious and hollow? Or do they just automatically get put off by anything that is vague, symbolic or metaphorical in any way because they only like a certain type of product? You might wanna be honest with yourself while answering this one.

>Whenever people use the word "pseudo-intelllectual", do you think they have actually bothered to think about the possible themes and implications of the work, as well as the author's intentions, coming to the conclusion that those are indeed pretentious and hollow? Or do they just automatically get put off by anything that is vague, symbolic or metaphorical in any way because they only like a certain type of product? You might wanna be honest with yourself while answering this one.
If you think this show is actually some misunderstood masterpiece, then you probably fried your brain on drugs. No everyone who uses the word pseudo intellectual aren't too dumb to understand the the subject matter, sometimes people can create "art" that isn't as deep as they think it is
get over yourself

Are you just a pissed off STEMfag angry that no one wants to talk you at parties?

I would ask you how were you able to follow the monologues without any context from the people giving them

By listening?

Out of curiosity, what was the second time?

If you wanted a genuine podcast then just go watch one? Thats just a matter of taste

Didnt you think it was interesting how the third episode's narration was all about magic and actualizing your desires and perfect awareness but everything the fish achieves is through mundane technology, and when he does sacrifice his "body" to ascend he's still tied to completely mundane issues like fucking his friend's wife? And he disintrigrates as a result. Isnt it funny how the guy drawn as the anti-darwinism fish failed to "evolve"? The podcast and animations are two halves of each episode, of course they play into eachother.

>If you wanted a genuine podcast then just go watch one? Thats just a matter of taste
I wanted to watch a good cartoon, not a shitty podcast with animation mixed in.

Ok but when a character talks about going to prison aren't you a little bit curious on why and what happenned?
I would have enjoyed the show 100% more knowing about the person who was talking

>isn't as deep as they think it is
By that you either mean that it's inherently meaningless, or that the meaning is not sophisticated enough, even though there's no reason for it to be.

I was really wrenched out of the little immersion I got by the visuals when he started bringing up her cancer and forgot what kind it was. Then I was like "oh yeah, she's not his mom, she's just some rando he's interviewing". All the interviews rip me out of the show, except maybe the one about the fish magician, because they talk about mundane shit with references to mundane locations while being magical beasts or insane characters.

If the interviews were in-character and we're hearing life stories and anecdotes from colorful characters around the multiverse, the show would be greatly improved. But there's such a disconnect with how the characters are written outside of interviews and how the interviews go that it's way too jarring. Episode 6 was my favorite for its lack of interview.

I'm saying this as a guy who liked the show overall.

i liked the fish episode the monster episode and the prison episode. the finale was cringe tho.

>oh yeah, she's not his mom, she's just some rando he's interviewing
Wasn't that his actual mom though?

No I mean that the inherent meaning isn't hard to grasp at all, but the show itself thinks it is and portrays it in that way.

The best one was the first episode because they were actually on some fucked up earth, so it would make sense that the little guy would know about earth drugs and conversation. Hearing the fucked up pig in episode 2 talk about writing a novel and moving to LA was when I lost interest