Who here enjoys cartoons in The New Yorker?

Who here enjoys cartoons in The New Yorker?

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That's not the original caption.

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I'd be apathetic if I wasn't so lethargic.

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I love the classic style. There's something both timeless and uniquely reminiscent of the period about it.

That pound is turning into a ton!!

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Everything is funnier with Heathcliff!

This is too clear of a joke to be a heathcliff

isn't there one where a father and son are walking by a mother and daughter and they visualize the girls naked? (the father dreaming about the girl and the boy dreaming about the mother).

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Just coming from the boomer's comic thread eh? But these are great, they're a lot like the cartoons from playboy, but not quite as crass.

The new caption made me laugh hard, it's so stupid. The original is an actual joke with some wit, but the new one is just such a silly obvious thing to say it took me by surprise.

>but not quite as crass.
Ironically, for as crass as they were most of the playboy ones were more clever, nuanced, and well-drawn.

But during the Stone age?

That cassowary will murder every other animal in that truck, just for fun.

misogynistic crap

Shut up, roastie.

Nobody talks that way about Heathcliff

Tits madam?

Fuck off roastie

so am i retard for not getting it?

no one ever calls these gems 'boomer comics' huh

On behalf of all men, I apologise for liking attractive women, with massive tits, and an ass you want to plough your face into. If only attractive women weren't so... attractive..

I'm actually not sure if these qualify as "boomer comics" since that term is a bit ill-defined, but all of these were posted in the massive one that was around not too long ago.

clearly shes just upset SHE doesnt get as much from women
its ok youll find urself a nice girl who will let u suffocate on her tits

"boomer comics" ranges from 'comics written by boomers. thats it' to 'comics about social or political issues I dont agree with'
usually something in the middle tho
but no one who uses the term ever uses it positively so yeah, only people i can imagine calling these boomer comics are upset women

It's funny because most of those animals are not animals one would normally see in the pound. It was quite a day.

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stupid laff comic
good work

I'll always have a soft spot for them, growing up my dad read the New Yorker religiously and had a giant book of literally every cartoon from the 20s or whenever when it started up to 2005ish that I would read over and over. Charles Addams a best.

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