Was she evil?

Was she evil?

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no she was just a retard

No she wasn't, she was just ignorant of the world until she learned that life was "fun", then she was just a rebel teenager until greg showed her that life really was unique and beautiful, and then she died because a dick

Nah, just a standard Hanlon's Razor.

>little whiny baby to rebellious teen to chasing cock to a pregnancy that would kill her and leave her son with all her responsibilities

she was literally the immortal alien equivalent of an irresponsible young lil dumbass

she organized the rebellion instead of using her absolute power to re organize the culture of the gems under her. allowed thousands of her people be shattered and curupted and despite knowing how to un fuck the situation stayed at Earth as her alter ego. she wasn't retarded she was egotist as fuck
>and then she died because a dick
she chose to do that, remember? she wanted a kid so bad she killed herself to shit out Steve.

so yeah she qualifies as the fucking anticrist

Well, she technically saved the Earth from destructive colonization and saved Homeworld from self-destructive tyranny.

But damn if she didn't seriously fuck some innocent gems up in the process.

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She had good intentions but executed them in the wrong way
And then she died while having sex

>saved the earth
no, she just delayed its destruction

>died while having sex

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>delayed its destruction

What do you mean? Earth would have been literally hollowed out if it wasn't for Pink

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she was a absolute monarch of her colony she could have stayed on the moon or mars wile studying Earth to convince her sisters.

was that too much to ask?

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the cluster you golden fish

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Yeah, some gems were emotionally hurt during the process, but in the end, she saved the asses of everyone on earth

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that was a complete accident and we both know it. if her sisters told her to destroy Earth she would just make a huge ass human zoo and have a daily human/gem orgies


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no, she gave her life to birth Steven. she spend moths studying how to make a womb and she never though ''what will my crystal gems do after im gone? oh yeah they would have a complete mental breakdown''

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>she saved the asses of everyone on earth
Not really. The empire was going to take over the Earth before her involvement, then they were going to wipe out the Earth with the cluster because of her, now they're slowly taking over the planet by mass migration and giving Earthlings nothing in return.

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yeah she didnt think abt it because she did it for the dick

should've studied birth control

>Fucktard decides to go away
>When the show implied that there’s a lot of gems on the loose destroying planets just for fun

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He's waiting for the insurgents to organize so he'll always be needed.

>Was she evil?

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can somebody edit this brainlet so that it looks like PD?

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That's the best part! The true message of the show isn't love and acceptance, it's that no matter what you do you'll always turn out to be exactly like your parents. Steven is a carbon copy of Pink: instead of working things out for the better, you just set them up how you think the should be (i.e. in whichever way strokes your own ego and makes you feel good about yourself, no matter how much it fucks things up for other people) and then fuck off to somewhere else so that everyone else has to deal with the fallout from your selfish actions.

Way to go, Sugar! Truly, she is the greatest modern storyteller of our age.

imagine the human race becoming a servant race to the Gems. an immortal army of pink teleporting zombies that can reproduce at a pink diamonds control

Like anti vaccine parents, thinking she's doing a good gives a hell of problematic consequences

You think she could be a good mother for Steven if she never died?

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Good mother? Who knows.
Better than lesbian schizos that Steven got? Absolutely.

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Yes. Despite her incompetence being the single thing that instigates the clusterfuck that Steven spends the entire show cleaning up, she was pretty wise and loving by the end. I believe her character would live up to Steven's original high expectations of his mother, if not her actual life story.

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Leaving the origin of White Diamond and gemkind as a whole as an open question, how did White Diamond create the obviously younger Pink Diamond and by extension how did she create Yellow and Blue?