Absolutely based

Absolutely based.

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Based on what?

Good ole Stonetoss

>Ignore constitutional discussion revolve on the nature of what shall not be infringed
But of course bad faith is based and nuance is for fags

Not to mention that "shall not be infringed" does have its limits. Do babies have the right to bear arms? Babies are people too. How about convicted criminals? And so on and so forth. It's really not clear-cut.

Slavery as punishment
What did they mean by it?

"What dis they mean by this"

Who is this, Yas Forums guy?

There isn't one. Only liars pretending they can't read what the amendment says.
The wording is clear, the intention is clear, the historic precedent is clear. There has never been any doubt about what the amendment means.
>Do babies have the right to bear arms? Babies are people too. How about convicted criminals?
There is no ambiguity in the phrase, "shall not be infringed"
It doesn't make an exclusion for babies or criminals. Making an exclusion for criminals is fucking stupid, makes the entire idea of a right pointless if you lose it the moment you disobey the government.


Seconded. Is this supposed to be based on a recent event I'm not paying attention to?

I mean the people who wrote the document were criminals and traitors to their nation not 10 years prior.

>There has never been any doubt about what written law means in a world with even a remotely functioning legal system

it means white folk with penis envy can gun down minorities with impunity for 300 years

Criminals are demonstrated to be folks that are not law-abiding, and are thus deprived of the rights allowed to them by law because they refuse to abide by said laws.
A child is an individual still entitled to legal rights, but like the mentally ill/unstable, he does not enjoy the same allowances because being a child, he is not capable of being wholly responsible for himself in a reasonable manner.
However depriving me of my fucking 30 round clipazines because of subjective feelings and requiring me to sign up and pay out the ass for a goddamn set of licenses just to enjoy the same shit the government allows itself to play with when i am a free citizen of good legal standing is indeed unreasonable infringement just because a bunch of filthy politicians are scared shitless enough people would get tired of their bullshit and rightfully roll a tank (which are still legal in an disarmed state, and even legal IN the armed state with proper licenses) or shoot a fucking RPG at them.
Its less about protecting you or your neighbors from crazy spree killers but politicians covering their asses because they fear the crazy spree killers coming after them.
Granted I am being a little idealistic but I am also a /k/omrade so what can I say, I am an idealist and I just want my fucking full auto guns without having to pay thousands of dollars and waiting years just to be able to purchase some beat to shit gun from 40 years ago all because Reagan was a californian boomer that got spooked when the Black Panthers marched on the statehouse when he was governor and Clinton was a statist bootlicker that passed an infringing law without majority.
I'm not saying there are unreasonable laws regarding gun control but there is a lot of fear and misinformation surrounding them pushed by equally ignorant or actively malicious politicians to their voter bases that do not care about the rights of you, me, or themselves.

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>Meanwhile the constitution has a clause for amendments in case you need to change the Constitution
What did conservatards mean by this?

Everybody draws a line somewhere. Would you let convicts in prison have guns?

>XD U have small penis

>Being a bleach-injecting conservacuck when you can be a demochad
See you at the next Blue Wave I guess

4 more years :)

Prisoners on death row have the right to take a gun to their execution. What's the worst that could happen?

Doesn't matter, they beat the shit out of the britcucks and founded a nation. No taxation without representation, bitches. You can't expect a dog to stay loyal to you if you beat and starve him.
I never understood this mentality that gun control needs to be a thing to stop white people from harming minorities, when the states in America with the strictest gun control have it due to massive problems with lower class gun violence that happens to be related to minorities due to pervasive wealth disparity and drug problems in said minority communities due to numerous factors.
Its white politicians wanting to disarm minority thugs and not giving a shit if they disarm white folks with them. Its upper class elitists disarming the underclass because they fear them.
If you truly value the idea of self-defense, and in this particular example wish that a minority hyphen-american could have a chance to defend himself, you'd support gun rights for them instead of enshrining policies directly built to persecute them.
Want niggers to not get the trigger pulled on them?
Protect their right to shoot back.
Want fags to not get bashed?
Protect their right to shoot back.
Fuck's sake.

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Of course they can still own their guns, just because someone is in prison doesn't mean I'm going to go into their home and ransack it.

How is a baby going to buy a gun?

sssshhh don't tell him guns cost money. they think "right" means that they give them to you in the mail every month

A baby could be gifted a gun.

How is the baby going to open the gift?

>voting against your own interests to stick it to the libtards

what are his interests user?


Biden could easily be a Republican and nothing would change.

yes, bear, carry, your point here?

Oh, I just handed the baby a loaded gun with a card and a ribbon tied around it. I'm taking the rest of my guns to the nearest children's playground and handing them out for free. They're my gift to the world.

>yuroserfs will never be this free

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>shareblue trying to astroturf on Yas Forums of all places

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Yes, but the prison is a sequestered island they're not allowed off of and they have to fend for themselves on it.
Guards man the patrol boats

i like this idea

>not wrapping the gift
This hypothetical has lost all believably. Nobody would be as rude to a child as to deny them the enjoyment of tearing the paper off their freshly gifted gun; it's half the fun after all. What are you, an abusive pedophile?

Yes user, I watched Escape from New York too.

so, what is your point? you committed several counts of reckless endangerment, and the children have violated no law because they are perfectly within their rights? i don't understand the problem

You still can't suddenly circumvent a constitutional convention by just ruling parts of the constitution don't matter (at least ideally you cannot). And there hasn't been a constitutional convention for gun control literally ever, just smoke and mirrors judicial branch shenanigans.

>protesting a deadly virus,Lynol in your veins
America is the living equivalent of that old "hurr durr we're free" MSPaint comic

How lucky that NY is getting depopulated by the Chink Flu then, once this shit is over we can make that movie reality.

He's a eurocuck that believes he needs daddy government to control people.
Don't bother arguing, he is literally incapable of imagining people acting normally unless there's a government ruling them to act accordingly.

>yuropoors cower in their homes every time the common cold comes around
God I love being American

Say what you want, nobody will care, because you're not American.
Now make sure you have your free speech license ready for when the bobbies come to investigate you for posting on a terrorist website like Yas Forums.
Nobody cares which part of eurocuckistan you come from, peasant.

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