I'll be honest - I haven't followed capecomics for the last 15 years, stopped buying them because manga is better. But I was a fan of Batman and Spider-Man when I was kid, so I decided to give the capecomics another chance and was disappointed - it's total crap, stories are boring and banal, plot twists are easy to see from a mile away and the art style only got worse. Also the heroes' poses are always the same across the board. How can anyone love this?
What are your excuses for reading US comics in 2020?
What's your excuse for not bothering to use a Yas Forums related image? Are you a fucking tourist?
Clearly. He's not read superhero comics for longer than Yas Forums's existed. Learn to read newfag babyfuck.
Fuck off, tourist
Because manga is boring black and white bullshit,with big goofy ass eyes.
Because I'm not a triggered bitchboy like you.
Read UK comics, they are far better than US trash.
>stopped buying them because manga is better
99% of manga is shonenshit, isekai or some moeblob shit
I'm not sure this is trolling, it's very likely that he really hates manga. Not because he's a comics fan, but because he's a liberal.
Where's the sports comics, user? Or sport contain too much toxic masculinity?
Sports is shit shonen, tailored towards fujos
>shit shonen
>Shōnen, shonen, or shounen manga (少年漫画, shōnen manga) is manga aimed at a young teen male target-demographic.
Marvel and DC are also shonen shit, so what are you doing here if it's all crap for you.
So, no excuses? Does this mean that the comic book in USA is only popular among people without taste?
there's that fencing comic
I would like it if you would stop the bias crap. You really think manga is clean? countless of shitty isekai crap, highschool drama shit, boring shoujo and josei shit, poorly written shounen crap.
Immortal Hulk is fun.
Most stuff is shitty man, that's just a general rule of life.
One east vs west thread reaches bump limit, another is born!
Look, it's just a fact that manga sucks. Deal with it and move on with your life. Try reading something good, like Saga or Rat Queens.
I sure like to wait for 500 manga chapters for our teenage boy protagonist to realize that water is wet.
Both are shit. Deal with it. your east vs west tribalism shit is boring. go away.
I don't read capeshit
>I don't read capeshit
>list has 3 capeshit comics in the top row
I don't read marvel or DC bro
What are some comics
I never did, I'm here for the cartoons. Like everyone else on this board. Comics are ass.
Why is the RPG pointing into his shoulder?
Why does Yas Forums respond to such obvious bait?
Do you guys have a wiki like Yas Forums does for comic recommendations?
I found a tumblr but the compilation picture recommendations are so grainy I can barely read the text.
I'm building a big server directory of comics and I want to get quality shit. I don't care if its Marvel, DC or smaller publishers/independent or capestuff. As long as its good.
Put this on there, had this rec'd to me last week and ended up reading it all in one sitting.
>boring black and white bullshit
You don't say capetard
Sounds like an interesting project. Please make sure you have all of these.