Cuck mods deleted the last one

>cuck mods deleted the last one

Attached: obi_wan_kenobi_vs_kakashi_hatake_by_darkvader2016_ddnsmi7-fullview.jpg (1280x720, 118.26K)

Other urls found in this thread: v Kakashi.mp4?dl=0

Kakashi wrecks

does jesus have the highground?

Attached: 1537376510388.gif (276x260, 1.23M)

Mods are gay
Kenobi is based

This happens every time new mods come into place.
Preview of fight v Kakashi.mp4?dl=0

mods r gay
kakashi hatake of the sharingan eye stomps

I mean in general, they go on a power trip and delete a bunch of shit for no reason

>fireball jutsu

even if the characters are Yas Forums vs Yas Forums, the western Yas Forums animation of them fighting is Yas Forums idiot

just like how your shitty comment got deleted? cry some more

Calm friend

Attached: literally makes death battle pointless.gif (145x230, 4.99K)

I want more Kaiju fights

>"I want to go home and keep reading my book... AFTER I KICK YOUR ASS!"
>Kenobi is just prequel memes.
Wow so both characters have been butchered huh?

So who wins this one? I’ve seen people argue for both.

I want Kakashi to win but I would bet money on Obi winning.

Why are you such a disappointment?

Obi will lose so you get to see force ghost old Obi-wan

i don't understand this pairing.

>fucking fanged pursuit
>while he's distracted by the dogs, throw fucking exploding kunai
>jump thirty feet in the air and propel towards him with raikiri
>obi-wan slashes kakashi
>poof, clone
>in the same instant the clone poofs, another clone reaches up through the ground and grabs his legs
>third kakashi uses kamui and kills obi-wan

and that's not even utilizing the other 600 abilities kakashi has. he's impossible to hit, because jedi don't move at light speed. he can read your movements with the sharingan. jedi lack the supernatural durability of the characters in naruto too. even if you put the whole blade into kakashi's chest, he's not keeling over like qui-gon. he's gonna grab you with one arm, use the other arm to grab your free-hand for hand signs, and then he's gonna nuke you at point blank range.

all my spergy bullshit aside, this should've been Obi-Wan vs Bibleman

Attached: y77Kf6B.png (629x471, 427.35K)

Instead of matching up characters by power level they favour thematic pairs and wank/nerf to give the illusion of a fair fight.

Kakashi doesn't have the chakara to spam that shit, those are his supers.

His stamina is never an issue post Pain arc. In the war he spams kamui as much as Obito alongside using raikiri left right and centre.

user, i only used three chakra moves to kill him. fanged pursuit, clones, a phony raikiri, and kamui. he used more than that fighting sasuke on the bridge post-danzo.

for the record, i'm doing kenobi friends a favor by not insisting we use kakashi at his peak when he had both eyes. susanoo is otk.

go back to being irrelevant, scarecrow.
the fight with obito was fine though.

Reminder Mal is a faggot for banning Otto.

If Obi-Wan wins, it's going to be as bad as Toph vs Gaara. Kakashi is incredibly fucking strong. Lets assume the force allows Obi-Wan to look through any sort of illusionary jutsus and allows him to dodge any projectile-based attacks, Kakashi is still infinitely faster than he is which is the exact same problem with the Gaara fight. Ninjas are just canonically way too fucking fast and no one who is even close to a regular human should be able to deal with it.

Obi is likely to win.
DB are really weird and inconsistent with their reasonings but I would bet money that they have kakashi lose due to
>stamina issues
>shatterpoint being a perfect counter to his sharingan, on paper
Of course these are not valid but they are gonna wank Obi's speed with some ludicrous scaling anyway so anything goes.

Obi-Wan is going to win because EU was bullshit in power levels. You know how everyone was weaker in the JLU cartoon than the comics? It was the same for the Star Wars EU. Everyone was just a dude with a laser sword in the movies but in the books they went crazy with the power levels.

No. Toph vs Gaara was indefensible. There are good arguments for Obi-Wan winning. Otto pointed out his precog was better than Kakashi's muscle reading.

Umm, he left. Also i didn't ban Otto - i just feeling that if Otto came back to help with a prediction blog there would likely be too much tension with him and Brocubus considering their argument

Otto said you banned him.

>I didn't ban him I'm just keeping him out of the blog because he insulted some literally who's waifu tee hee

Nope, i kicked him because i knew he would leave.If he wanted to come back he can, though there would likely be too much tension and the other guests would be against him coming back

He left the DBC Server on his own and i kicked him from the G1DBFB because i knew he would likely leave not wanting to talk with pepole like Bro and RJ