Dub dweeee duh duh duh dwee dow!

Dub dweeee duh duh duh dwee dow!

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He's blue?

Dub dweeee duh duh duh dwee dow!

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deflator mouse

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And so he says to me, 'you wanna be a bad guy?' and I say, 'Yeah baby! I wanna be bad!' I say 'SURF'S UP, SPACE PONIES! I'm making gravy without the lumps! ' AHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA!

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I laughed way too hard when he said his cover name was "Nick Soapdish"

Was he retarded?

I kinda miss shows like The Tick or Earthworm Jim. What happened to this genre? Is it a genre?

It's just called having a sense of humor not based entirely dependent on references. Gen X writers were pretty good at it. Millennial writers rely too much on references to work as punchlines, on the other hand. Regular Show is IMO, a good example of a millennial-written show done right.

I miss this cartoon like you wouldn't believe

canonically he's an escaped mental patient

don't forget this

Well at least in that iteration.

Amazon seemed to lean into something else.

Shame it died so they could pour billions into a Lord of the Rings project that is now shelved.

in the comics but iirc it's not spoken about in the cartoon

A beautiful piece of working that could only exist at that point in time.

And a Christmas episode that just Shotguns Prison Rape jokes at ya.


how come they never had paul the samurai in any of the adapted shows?

hello brother
Their resemblance was uncanny
sometimes even using the same lines

Lads i miss this show

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The Amazon series should have given The Tick more monologues and more screen time in general.

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based and redpilled Terror

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the problem of making him live action is they never show how capable tick is in fighting and causing collateral damage or more of the crazy shit like man eating cow and cosmic level weirdness opting to have most of the action happen offscreen. not sure if it's just budget or the restrictive costume

>man eating cow
Probably my favorite spinoff comic. To bad the last two issues were a rushed tie-in.

loved when he gets that wishing helmet thing
>gimme uh, those things on the tick's head!
>*antennae disappear*

I'm guessing it's more of a budget issue why the show lacks action. Some of it's writing, clearly more interested in parodying modern superhero drama shows like Arrow, which is why the amazon series seemed to focused more on Overkill & with the Tick all they could really do is give him a kinda tacticool-looking costume.

Was he /ourguy/?

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Wait, the Lotr series got shelved

Conceivably, The Tick takes place in a world not unlike Venture

Christopher McCulloch worked on The Tick and The Venture Bros.

iirc the guys who make venture bros were writers on the 2001 series, that's how they know edlund and warburton