How did they un-nazi Cap?

How did they un-nazi Cap?

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Got a new cap

Bucky's Companion Cube IIRC?

where from the captain america store?

The cosmic cube magic-ed up a new one that was essentially the idea of what people wanted Captain America to be.
The original is still running around as a hydra supervillain.

Is the missing head-wings like an Evil Goatee thing?

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>implying America has stores anymore

Hydra aren't Nazis.

How did this happen and how did they fix it?

No, it's like a fallen angel thing.

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Isn't it the opposite with Hydra Cap being the made up one while real Steve was kept in a super nazi pocket dimension?

So CA was always a hydra agent?

Yes, he's just parroting a fanwank theory.

Did redskull and nazi cap bang?

Yes and it's confirmed that Hydra Cap was fake regardless of it making sense or not.

Yes, but when has that stopped shitposters?

No, but I am pretty Zemo and Nazi Cap did.

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The original Steve Rogers was killed by CrossBones, HydraCap is a legitimate Captain America from an alternate timeline 616 (not an alternate universe) and the current "Captain America" is an amalgamation pulled from humanity's group zeitgeist of the concept of "Captain America" and actual memories of the real, original Steve Rogers pulled from his friends (mostly Sam and Bucky) making Captain America a sort of Uncle Sam style immortal embodiment of the American ideals given form and flesh by a sentient cosmic cube, not a natural human being.
Thanks Spencer!

One of them was

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This shit is is why Im giving serious thought to picking up some goddamn manga

The yearly "this is the new status quo you guys! we're shaking everything up" got you upset?

Seriously? This did it?! Until this point you start considering it?

Read better comics. Also, 95% of Manga are pure shit too.

>Isn't it the opposite with Hydra Cap being the made up one while real Steve was kept in a super nazi pocket dimension
>Yes and it's confirmed
>citation needed
lol nope. To my knowledge there still hasn't been a hard retcon of secret empire and if you can read that steaming pile and come away with a different explanation for what happened then more power to you but as it stands right now Captain America is still a mess.

Boooo to this and the stories that led up to this. Just boooooooo

Hydra Cap comes from a different timeline, what else do you fucking need to know to get that he's not the original?

Don't. Manga is even better. Think of it this way:
manga is a russian roulette.
It might end in one of the various ways that all manga have ended, which is either:
-Artist and editor/publisher get into a fight and artist decides to end the story in an inconclusive way hundred of chapters before he originally intended, only to pick up the story after a decades long (in-universe) time skip that is being published years later by a different publisher. (Recent example: Negima)
-Artists gets hurt/sick and starts releasing chapter only once every year or every few years.
(Recent example: D.Gray-man. Obligatory example: Berzerk).
-Artists somehow manages to finish the manga and it didn't take three halves of your life! But the ending is so disappointing and out of character it ruins the rest of the story (Memorable examples: Medaka Box).
-Artist takes almost a decade if not more to finish the story, and by the end of it, it's so distorted and absurd that it doesn't even resembles the original product at all, but it's such a gold mine that it would be a shame to actually end it so you sell the rights and have others do a direct sequel almost immediately that distorts it even further. (Obligatory example: Naruto and maybe Tokyo Ghoul).
-The manga has no end in sight, it might not even end, or it simply ends up without and ending because of reasons. Mostly because of Artist and editors/publishers fights. (Examples: Like 90% of manga).
The only "good" (or rather, ,decent) manga are "one shots", which are usually hard to find and last only 1 chapter. Just stay away from the media, it's seriously not worth it.

Manga is even worse* Legit brain fart.

So. The Cap that everyone grew up with was always secretly a Nazi, but to fix it... they just made a new Cap? How do all of his friends accept that their friend was never their friend and this is a brand new guy? Or is everyone just ignoring that fact? God fuck comics.

no they got him from the soup store

Why are you shopping for caps at the soup store?!

this is modern Marvel and they hate America

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>The Cap that everyone grew up with was always secretly a Nazi
>but to fix it... they just made a new Cap?
>How do all of his friends accept that their friend was never their friend and this is a brand new guy?
They don't because the original was stuck inside the cube's mind.

They just ignore it. Everyone just wanted to undo the twist and pretend like it never happened after the backlash so that's what's happened for the most part.

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They didn't. The Captain America as read in every book in 616 for decades was a secret Nazi, just like Drumpf supporters. They imagined up a new Captain America with proper liberal sensibilities.

Kobik kept the original in her brain, that's what they brought back.

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