What did the Member Berries represent?

What did the Member Berries represent?

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Forced meme that Matt & Trey knew people would keep repeating.

That Matt and Trey are ebin contrarians and blissfully unaware how much hypocritical cunts they've become


Lost hopes and dreams.

With the recent episodes you can tell they KNOW people are sick of Randy but get some sort of sadistic joy out of pissing their audience off.

You just know they think it's hilarious and are laughing their asses off at annoying their own fanbase.

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nostalgia obsession and how heavily people rely on whinging about the past as a form of escapism. memberberries are such an obvious, shallow metaphor, i don't know how you could possibly need them explained to you

Why did Kenny keep holding hands with Butters? What did it mean?

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Nostalgia obviously

>I-It's shitty on purpose!
Incorrect. You are just coping with the fact that the show sucks ass now. The magic is gone and they don't know what they're doing anymore.

this.The only time they managed to go kino again was with that pooh episode.

A brainlet's attempt at social commentary.

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I was just explaining what their mindset is. I know the current show is shit and wasn't trying to pretend otherwise.

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literally the entire premise of an episode was the cast raging about how badly they all hate Randy's farm and want everything to go back to normal. keep making shit up while whining about others' "c-c-cope" though

People who remember that things used to be better and want to return to that time instead of accepting the current dystopian shithole the US has become

>the show is bad now that the writers aren't skewering the political stance I hate anymore
it was always bad by the way

Either that nostalgia is being used to say something is good when it's not because it ticks the nostalgia box or to say that something is that something is good when it's not and fans are cunts who don't give it a fair shake because of nostalgia. Which is safer and more middle of the road.

>and want to return to that time instead
yeah you're made fun of because that cannot and will not ever happen

the problem here is that your idea of 'dystopian' is that it isn't racist enough

member when south park was good

Also people like to forget that the past had a shit ton of problems to. There was never a perfect time in history.

Because shitting on China actually got them in trouble. However they believe the mainstream media lies and eat up the 99.9999% chance of victory for Hillary Clinton.

>america is a dystopia now
>yeah i agree, it's terrible how we're in a bunch of inescapable forever wars in the middle east, most of our country's small towns have been turned into hollowed-out meth hellholes, and people are going bankrupt because they cant afford basics like medical care or rent
>no i mean that men are becoming girls and muslims are allowed in congress

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Yas Forums needs to go back

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Used to be if someone called you a nigger, you called him a whop. If someone called you a faggot you called him a trannie. People just threw the words around without a single fuck and nobody cared because we were all adults who could maturely hate each other in peace. Now it seems like nobody can handle being hated so they all cry like a bunch of children whenever they don't get their way. Everyone is offended to easily.

>t. Josh, the 19 (at most) year old suburban white boy

please, please go back


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People don't deserve their rights.

>oh no bros, we can't beat nosalgia!
>i know! let's demonize it!
who did it better and why?

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It's funny how the only way people can argue against you is by going "NO YOU CAN'T SAY THAT WORD NOOO STOP IT YOU CAN'T SAY THAT GO BACK GO BACK WAAAAAAAHHHH"
Shit is even true on Yas Forums, saying nigger before was just another fucking word but now posts are being deleted just for saying it because butthurt mods don't like it. Fucking pathetic.

grow up

The world is too easy now. People are too sheltered and too sensitive, especially to words. People 30 years ago were forced into talking to people that they hated and vice versa. Social media has given people a place to hide away from any sort of conflict or disagreement with other people, so they choose to live in their own little niche group (subplebbit) where everyone agrees totally with everyone else. They never have to face any sort of opposition, so they never have to challenge themselves or back up anything they say. I think one of the main reasons most channers are here is because we despise the safe spaces. We love arguing and fucking with each other, that's why Yas Forums is so filled with trolls and edgelords. Yas Forums is unironically the Chadest form of social media. Please, feel free to call me a faggot and tell me to kill myself. I revel in it. I don't know why but I genuinely love both dishing out and receiving death threats, and I think most people here would say the same.

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Nut up

i did, now its your turn
or you can instead choose to descend even further into Yas Forumsshit and drown in nigger memes

Matt and Trey don't like the new Star Wars movies.

>post whining about "hur people are too thin skinned anymore gosh no one can handle muh bantz"
>people reply that user really just wants to call people niggers
>you come in and confirm that it is indeed just about your right to say nigger with impunity
good job gamer

ok zoomer

They didn't say anything about the other two movies.

If that's at all what you got from this then you're exactly the kind of thing I was talking about. An over sensitive moron who's so incensed by the words of an asshole he's never gonna meet that he can't actually pay attention to what's really being said.

not wrong

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tl;dr lmao