Fucking SJWs putting political messages in my comicbooks!

Fucking SJWs putting political messages in my comicbooks!

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funny that todays' politics didn't exist during the publication of that comic

So you're gonna ignore the increase in representation in comics since the decade that panel was written (probably 40's/50's)? This was needed back then, now it just devolved into pandering.

You left out ‘forced’ and ‘shoe horned’.

the virgin wonder woman vs the Chad "Buy War Stamps" Mary

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How old are you?

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>unsolicited opinions on israel???
makes me laugh every time

everybody's motives these days are suspect

who are you quoting?

You dipshits do know the difference between Captain America punching Hitler in his first issue versus him punching Hitler in every single fucking issue right?

Once makes for a neat story, constant repetition makes it propaganda.

Not to mention the whole SJW thing completely hogties storytelling to make sure the agenda folks ALWAYS come out looking positive. Repetitive, tiresome, and unbelievable. And with always the same character tropes and story outcomes.

Wonder Woman is sjw shit.

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I still can't tell if this was supposed to be satirical or not.

>Yas Forumsmblr will literally make a thread to whine about Yas Forums

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Just like the Golden Age Cap!

>liberty and justice for all regardless of race, color, or religion
But not regardless of sexuality or gender.


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To be fair Captain America was created explicitly as propaganda.

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Because comics dabbing on whatever foreign country you're currently at war with is based.
Too bad everyone's too much of a cuck now to write stories about is dabbing on Muslims in the Middle East.

what's that got to do with it?

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>Wonder Woman in the old days
>"liberty for all means that freedom is for everyone, regardless of race or gender"

>wonder woman now

hmmmm, which one should I support more?

>constant repetition makes it propaganda.

But you know what's not propaganda? Captain America fighting Nazis and their allies throughout the entire second world war.

ok, edgelord.

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are you finally done posting from your bait folder? this are all old and we all know them