What does Yas Forums think of Billy Batson/Captain Marvel? What is his best story?

What does Yas Forums think of Billy Batson/Captain Marvel? What is his best story?

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>Billy Batson/Captain Marvel
C'mon OP, you already have a thread for that fetish.

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I like him and his mythos, I just wish he and his old continuity was treated better today. His best stories were mostly from the Golden Age, along with the Mary Marvel, Captain Marvel Jr. and the Marvel Family were pretty good stories along with the Monster Society of Evil arc. Those Golden Age stories are basically essential when trying to get in to Captain Marvel.


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Ignore him, it’s what shitposters do.

The last true Golden Age comic we got was Supreme.

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Definitely the embodiment of Golden age capeshit. He isn't always treated the best by editorial, but I love it him and his kin show up.

Alan Moore’s Supreme was the greatest Golden Age Superman comic that isn’t even from the Golden age nor has Superman in the lead.

He's a likable character with interesting mythology. But has constant changes and long periods of inconsistent use which damages his overall reception.

Also if they aren't going to call him Captain Marvel, call him Captain Thunder.