Dont mind me just posting the most chad of all animators
Dont mind me just posting the most chad of all animators
>tfw your penis is so small you fuck little girls because they'll think its big
>Implying he did this
>tfw you actually have to make a deadline
That's not Danny "THE CHAD" Antonucci.
I SWEAR I came ITT to post that but you did first YOU ULTRA BASED MOTHERFUCKER.
Chad animators actually make stuff.
Motorcity is the best cartoon ever.
>Forever cucks CN out of doing a soulless EE&E reboot
Yeah im thinking hes based
does he own the rights to ed edd & eddy? how does that shit work?
>creates the longest running CN-show on a dare
>cucks CN out of a reboot
Hello, based department?
>john cringephallusi
Nah he's just a bitter incel
based and dannypilled
What exactly did he do for Cuphead? I know it was him and his brother, but I'm not sure who did what.
Chad headed the artistic side, Jared was the vidya
>implying he didn't
Seething will get you nowhere
Tall tales. He's a hero
This. He's still loved at nick and ren and stimpy merch is everywhere at nick studios.
Didn't he not even work on most of the series?
How did he go from that to the turbo nerd he is now?
He kept the rights instead of fully selling them to cartoon network. I think he did it before the 2000s when management was much more lenient on that sort of thing
>draw big tittied women paired with tiny male gremlins
>exclusively preyed on teenage girls in real life
>muh daddy issues
This schizo hasn't created anything of worth in over 20 god damn years and yet Yas Forums insists on wasting its limited board space with this talentless black hole.
One was the code monkey and the other the designer.
>Only good things he's done throughout his entire career was Mighty Mouse New Adventures and Ren and Stimpy
>Both of those were done around 30 years ago
>Everything else he's done since then has been shit save for a music video or two
>Fired from his own show for failing to meet deadlines, and when given the chance to revive it under his control again. It ended up being a shitty, raunchy bastardization of the original show that was pulled from the air only 3 episodes in
>Took 8 years to finish an 11-minute short, which also ended up being garbage
That doesn't change anything I said and even with that being the case Yas Forumsmblr still seethes whenever ren and stimpy threads are made, ren and stimpy reaction pics are posted, etc and john only worked on it for 25% of it's original runtime.
>says the perma spectator lurking Yas Forums for eternity instead of doing anything with their life
Have they actually tried to reboot EEnE? I respect the dude for his artistic integrity if so. I also remember he once shit talked a fan for doing "cal arts" redesigns of the EEnE cast.
The only way John K. would ever meet a deadline is if it was a 14 year old girl.