JSA Storytime: Transformers

Good evening owls and robofuckers,

I think this is where we left off?

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Also good job hitting comment limit, my robofriends

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Hello, Storyteller.

Time for more "Hasbro shills as much shit as they can" the event.

Evenin', ST!

Oooof, that art is... something.

I never expected Action Man of all things helping us reach bump limit so fast.

Star Ice Cream did nothing wrong.

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Hi OP.

Fun fact: the second highest mountain in Greece is Smolikas, at 2,637 meters. Whether it has become the highest mountain in Greece during this story arc depends on whether the Ore-13 explosion decreased Olympus's elevation by at least 280 meters.

Not to 'um, actually', but G.I.Joe was formed to fight terrorists.

Why does this comic hate Scarlet?