Good evening owls and robofuckers,
I think this is where we left off?
Good evening owls and robofuckers,
I think this is where we left off?
Also good job hitting comment limit, my robofriends
Hello, Storyteller.
Time for more "Hasbro shills as much shit as they can" the event.
Evenin', ST!
Oooof, that art is... something.
I never expected Action Man of all things helping us reach bump limit so fast.
Star Ice Cream did nothing wrong.
Hi OP.
Fun fact: the second highest mountain in Greece is Smolikas, at 2,637 meters. Whether it has become the highest mountain in Greece during this story arc depends on whether the Ore-13 explosion decreased Olympus's elevation by at least 280 meters.
Not to 'um, actually', but G.I.Joe was formed to fight terrorists.
Why does this comic hate Scarlet?