In hindsight, it was overrated, ugly suit, annoying mj

In hindsight, it was overrated, ugly suit, annoying mj.

Attached: mj.jpg (906x960, 216.74K)

>Makes Lois Lane
>Calls her MJ
>Gets praise for muh stronk female heroine

Suit is fine. Mj wasnt really mj at all.

I genuinely failed to see any significant way the game distinguished itself from Spider-Man 2 and 3 tie-in games except for graphics. If you've played one you've played them all, there's no reason this one would be any more notable, it was only successful because the capeshit craze was at its peak and more people play videogames nowadays than before.

The suit was nice. Of course since it's the default in a game where you accrue dozens of others, it's seen as less interesting but it has a polished, professional feel befitting a hero at his peak.

Because mj wasn't human, what did you expect?

Anyone want to give me a rundown on what they did to MJ? I know she's not a bombshell anymore but that's it

Wasn't a fan of the suit, but it's just one of many to choose from. You can just run with the OG suit too. I liked the story, game play was solid. MJ did suck.

Made her a plucky reporter with annoying as fuck missions

It was a game that worked for the causal audience. You don't have to be a gamer to enjoy this game because it provided a cinematic experience.

It was a great game, far better than the movies, but yes MJ was shit

Stealth missions always suck.

Or maybe because it was a good game? Not everything has to be a conspiracy user

She kept whining about being saved by Peter. It made her feel seem ungrateful and like a girl trying to prove to the world she doesn't need a man. It happened in stupid situations where she would've died otherwise.

Basically what other anons said, they completely rewrote her character to be a watered down Lois Lane knockoff. Only the problem is that while Lois is likable, Insomniac MJ was a bitch. She and Peter where "on a break" from the start of the game because MJ was sick of Peter "babying her". This version of MJ works for the Daily Bugle, and she's CONSTANTLY getting into trouble, which is motivated by her feeling useless, constantly comparing her life to Peter's responsibilities as Spider-Man. She wants to contribute, but really comes off as an annoying bitch.
>"MJ what are you doing here?! You could be killed!"
>"OMG PETE STOP BREATHING DOWN MY NECK! I'm going to go follow this gangster now."

You played with the game suit? Are you fucking retarded? Scarlet Spider & Spidy 2099 are right fuckin there.

It deserved the praise it got, Its one of the few games where i pass up fast travel. I quite like Spider Mans suit, but I didn't care for some of the sinister six's redesigns (mostly electro). MJ was an ugly cunt her sections were boring

2099 is really boring to look at without the web glider.

I hate how if you say you hate how they redesigned the comic costumes to be more mcu friendly, you get called an autist when it was the movie fans who were sending death threats to the devs for a sam rami costume.

No one said it's a conspiracy, but it was hailed as the second coming of Jesus Christ for what was a pretty standard-fare Spider-Man game, that also didn't have the benefit of any unique twists on the concept or interesting villains.

I'm in the minority that loves what they did with the Sinister Six costumes. They retain the qualities of their original looks, while also looking new and reasonable. The weakest one by far is Scorpion. As for Electro? I like it because you can see elements of the original costume in it

Attached: Electro PS4 game.jpg (1366x768, 112.4K)

>but it was hailed as the second coming of Jesus Christ for what was a pretty standard-fare Spider-Man game
To be fair it's has been a while since we got a good superhero hero

MJ wasn't her normal self but I've never been more attracted to a CGI character.

Attached: Mary_Jane_Watson-0.jpg (681x768, 201.74K)

Yeah I thought she was really cute. Besides a couple cringy lines, and her mildly frustrating gameplay, she was fine.

>it was hailed as the second coming of Jesus Christ
Aka marketing plan/astroturfing?

la mujer duende de la araña..

It still would’ve been better if she was just Betty brant.

Replace MJ with Lois in these situations, and I'd believe in Lois more. Lois has proven time and time again that she can handle herself but MJ was getting on my nerves with how reckless she was being.

>i'm not gonna tell my ex about a deadly situation i'm going into because he'll just wanna save me!

yeah, what kind of superhero friend wouldn't

Yeah, I would've honestly preferred Betty. She's an underutilized Spidey character especially after Peter's left the Bugle. She showed up in Venom, but now I'm not sure where she is.

She was on the venom movie or just in the comics?