Jackie Lynn Thomas is love

Jackie Lynn Thomas is love.
Jackie Lynn Thomas is life.

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Yeah, she can join too

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Imagine simping for fictional women

Where do you think you are?

Fuck no, she is above "that" garbage.

>wHeRe dO yOu ThInK wE aRe

Imagining waifuing over Jackie instead of Star. What a miserable fucking existence.

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At least half those girls are lesbians

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I never found Jackie hot. I always her as so artificial. Janna is best girl.

>Steven is so chad he turns lesbians into slaves

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literally only one of them is

And Steven Universe is a show about redemption so it makes sense

>it's a OP is a cuumbrain episode

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Reggie is confirmed in the show
Luz blushes when a girl calls her cute
Anne calls women hot
Mirror Tulip is the opposite of Tulip. Mirror Tulip is straight, therefore Tulip is lesbian.
That’s 4/5 being lesbians

that seems bi

All women are bi, prove me wrong.

TIP: You literally can't.

Being bi is just as gay as being gay

answer the question and reflect upon yourself, you idiot

She making out with French black girls who look like Marlon Wayans, she ain’t shit

tip: you are fucking retarded

>stevencuck injects himself and his attempt at a harem
Nigga would get cucked by his own dad.

It’s very simple actually. Male bodies are disgusting. Women are only attracted to them because nature has conditioned them to.
Meanwhile, female bodies are inherently more gorgeous, and can appeal to everybody. Why do you think so many incels are becoming trannies?

Jackie pretty much jumped ship at the first sign of trouble in her relationship instead of trying to make it work with Marco. Janna on the other never let her average looks or setbacks get in the way of her quest for Marco’s Diaz.

>Jackie Lynn Thomas poster in real life

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>female bodies are inherently more gorgeous,

Including Steven

Marco’s trash who can’t keep it in his pants. Janna just doesn’t respect herself

All the shows mentioned in this thread have artificial fanbases

oh look another jacuck thread

>who can’t keep it in his pants.
Based. Gonna have to repopulate humanity after the inevitable Human-Monster War.
>Janna just doesn’t respect herself
Of course she does.

>liking the sjw edgy brainlet always in detention

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