Childhood is thinking it was uncomfortable and mean spirited

Childhood is thinking it was uncomfortable and mean spirited.

Adulthood is realizing Quagmire was right.

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It was the pot calling the kettle black.

Adulthood is not watching nu-family guy

That episode is more than ten years old

Maturity is knowing this was just a bullshit way to Jew out some new dynamic to keep the writers from slitting their wrists by having the option of Quagmire vs Brian episodes. If anything Quagmire is the worst character in the show with Brian being only marginally better.

I mean he's right but he's also hypocritical.

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True maturity is realizing that while what Quagmire said about Brian was true, he's also the worst character on the show and should not have been the one to deliver the speech in the first place.

Yes, nu-family guy happened awhile ago. Season 7 was the last good season.

Adulthood is realizing Quagmire shouldn't have been the one to give the message.

Let me correct myself, SEASON 6 was the last good season of family guy but season 7 was alright. Everything beyond that is nu-family guy cancer with extreme flanderization of all the character or flat out changing a characters entire personality(stewie/quagmire). You could argue stewies character has been changed long before nu-family guy but it wasn't until after season 7 where stewie went full flanderization.

The issue was never that Quagmire was wrong, it was that Brian's personality had completely devolved from what it was in the original 3 seasons and the writers somehow thought having Quagmire call him out was a substitute for actually writing him better.

Basically this. Instead of trying to get Brian's character on track they derailed quagmire too so he's no longer a funny silly sex addict but he's a grouchy asshole who always has to shit on Brian

Doesn't that just mean Quagmire is the one who evolved?

Adulthood is realizing that Quagmire is a rapist who has no moral highground to speak of. Just because he acknowledges that he's awful doesn't actually make him better than Brian.

They originally wanted it to be Cleveland which would've been way better.

Family Guy was on good up until its first cancellation.

he's a less entertaining character, so, no, he devolved

Pretty much this, except it's why it worked.
It took the sleaziest character on the show to call out Brian on his bullshit for it to have an impact.
otherwise people would have just been like "yeah okay, Peter has a point, now show more kartun funays"

Adulthood is realising that the entire scene was just Seth MacFarlane laughing at himself instead of anything necessitating discussions about morality.

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Extended character rants are pretty much always poorly written, doesn't matter who says it.

Last two seasons have been good. Not great, but better than the last several before. Yes the characters are changed, and they are both wearing out old jokes and defaulting to a new, lesser style, but its funny again. Most of the time

Quagmire was right, but he of all people had no right to say this. And no, the fact that he said he is a womanizer does not cover it. Quagmire is a pederast and a rapist who's bought trafficked women multiple times, he has no right to criticize ANYONE.

The rant loses all meaning when Quagmire is calling out Brian for things he's also doing.

What does being a bore even mean?

Not really. A lot of Quagmire's grievances were based mostly on one-time instances or events that hadn't been touched upon in years.

>You constantly hit on your best friend's wife.

That was a recurring thing in the earlier seasons, but I can't remember any instances in the three seasons leading up to that episode.

>You pay for nothing. You always say, "Oh, I'll get you later" but "later" never comes.

The only time I can remember this happening was when Brian and Stewie made that bet, and I don't think Quagmire was around when that happened.

> And what really bothers me is you pretend you're this deep guy who loves women for their souls when all you do is date bimbos.

Jillian was the only one he ever dated, though.

>God, you're pretentious! And you delude yourself by thinking you're some great writer, even though you're terrible!

This one's pretty funny when you consider that later, in the same season, we'd get an episode where Brian apparently wrote an amazing TV script.

>" And I think what I hate most about you is your textbook liberal agenda, how we should "legalize pot, man," how big business is crushing the underclass, how homelessness is the biggest tragedy in America. Well, what have you done to help?

I mean, there was that whole thing with Superstore USA, and did succeed in getting pot legalized, a season earlier; not sure about the homeless thing, though.

>I work down at the soup kitchen, Brian. Never seen you down there! You wanna help? Grab a ladle!

And somehow, we've never saw Quagmire at the soup kitchen when the Griffins lost there house, unless he was the one jacking off into Peter's yogurt.

It didn’t have an impact. It’s an episodic show

>Adulthood is realizing Quagmire was right.
Yeah sure call out a scummy, cheating, freeloading, boring liberal okay, that's fair.

But that doesn't make him any less of a sex offender or a fuckin PEDOPHILE, so pretty much this:They both deserve a brutal beating honestly.

Brianfags seething at Basedmire

>And by the way, driving a Prius doesn't make you Jesus Christ! Oh, wait! You don't believe in Jesus Christ or any religion for that matter, because "religion is for idiots!"

I don't remember him ever being in your face about religion, prior to this episode. How many times had Brian actually made remarks about his family being Catholic; same thing about the Prius?

>You failed college twice, which isn't nearly as bad as your failure as a father! How's that son of yours you never see?

Of course, he neglects to point out how Brian managed to completely turn Dylan's life around in a few days, which is more than one could say about Quagmire, himself.

Brian has been called out on being a mooch and being a liberal douche. Rush speculated that Brian cares more about being on the winning side

>I don't remember him ever being in your face about religion, prior to this episode. How many times had Brian actually made remarks about his family being Catholic; same thing about the Prius?
Brian is always making atheistic digs what are you talking about? He met Jesus and still doesn't believe in him.

>Of course, he neglects to point out how Brian managed to completely turn Dylan's life around in a few days, which is more than one could say about Quagmire, himself.
Quagmire put up his kid for adoption knowing she would have a better life whereas Brian, after his son became famous, tried to manipulate and mooch off of his success so he could feel better about him.