I just feel bad for him

I just feel bad for him.
Remember when Homer kept digging when Bart was stuck in a well? Nowadays they'd just leave him there.

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Bart committed the cardinal sin of being born with a penis

Actually, i'm pretty sure they already have left him in such situations.

Honestly, it's just sad how they treat him, especially when in comparison you have shit like fucking lady gaga deciding to cheer lisa up because she felt "saaaaad :c"

Bart has said worse to others, including his own dad

If your Dad strangled you for even the slightest thing, you'd insult him too.
Hell, Homer has strangled him just for being in the right.

bart fucking threw his wallet in the toilet on purprose

Meg lowered the bar

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In all honesty, why does everyone hate Meg? I don't mean in universe. I mean in the real world too. What has the character done to just get so much spite?

Most fans hate her because the show tells them too. Family Guy watchers are that simple

>the recent episode where Bart got completely fucked over during an e-sports championship

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meg is the bar itself

>Most fans hate her because the show tells them too.
Reminds me of how people hate Jerry from Rick and Morty when he's the one who actually tries to have values.

Homer did nothing wrong. E-sports people suck

Wasn't that a few years ago now?
now the difference is that Meg tries to fit in with her terrible family while Jerry is actually a decent normal person, bit of a sad sack but there's only so much shit a person can take from people that are categorically in the wrong before they just give up.

It was last year. Everything about that episode fucking pissed me off. And this is coming from someone that's watched every single episode of the series and has pretty much grown numb to how shitty the show has become.

I don't get why people hate that much on him
yes he's not the strongest person out there, but he tried to stand up to Rick, a demigod who could spread his constituent atoms over the entire universe in a microsecond, because he rightfully identified him as being a terrible influence on his children

wasn't there an episode prior to this where basically all of springfield drove bart to suicide?

You just know that if Lisa did this in the show the writers would portray her as still being in the right.

Yes, and then in the end they portrayed him as a retard who took hundreds of tries to get a ball and a loser who thought that grabbing that ball was the biggest moment in his life. Fucking milhouse was less of a loser than him, somehow.

they had an entire episode about Lisa torturing Bart over a mildly humiliating prank that portrayed her being in the right
it's not even hypothetical

remember when Bart trying his best and still failing was considered to be a highly emotional moment intended to make you feel sorry for him and at the end showed him finally overcoming it as triumphant?

At least Better Off Ned shows that Homer does in fact want Bart's love and respect.
Still won't make up for Barthood though.

Those episodes ended the same way, Bart winning out of sympathy rather than actual merit

Yeah, but i'm saying that if she just straight up started to drive him towards killing himself and literally hand him at knife at his lowest point, they'd just go "well yeah but it's bart's fault for being a meanie"
You know, it still fucking perplexes me how long writers can go without realizing that they're basically torturing a previously normal fictional character on purpose.

It's like abuse fetish art, except it's canon.

Yeah, i'm sorry, but i hardly would consider the baseball catch episode end a "win"

Bart didn't win out of sympathy in Bart gets an F, he displayed knowledge and practical application of a part of the course material and rightfully received extra credit for it
had that part he knew been on the test he would have passed

Don't feel too bad, they still acknowledge the "Chief Justice of the Supreme Court" ending.

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Back when Family Guy was the new comedy show Meg episodes were about teenage melodrama and forced feel good moments about a father sacrificing for his teen daughter or Meg wanting to be popular in school. Many viewers thought those episodes were shit and frankly yes they were. They weren't funny, they were uninspired and generic like out of cheesy sitcoms from years past. Because the other writers also didn't want to do those kinds of plots as far as the show's direction went while seeing viewers also didn't like the Meg episodes? It became easy for the writers to do the Meg Is Shit routine. And there you go, that's summary.

And yet they have stuff like endings where he ends up as a loser whose greatest accomplishment was grabbing a fake baseball throw.

Or as a divorced loser who lives in a school, an future which had two episodes about it.

Or a freeloader.

Etc, etc, etc.

That is true, and a very poetic (in good way) way to portray him, but the counter is that this he is medicore person content with medicority, which may be okay in and of itself, yet he does nothing to better him when he has that tie to said demigod.
Yes, rick is a dick and won't take him on, but he refuses to learn from most the things he has experienced with him

honestly it feels like the surpreme justice future is used less as a means to show Bart can and will overcome his negative traits and more like an excuse to have him be a fuckup

>oh it doesn't matter he's reduced to literally eating dirt in this episode, he becomes successful later it's all okay

>yes he's not the strongest person out there

That's exactly why audiences hate him. No one cares about the pussy bitch boy weakling. Yes he conflicts with Rick the Gary Stu, but because Rick is a Gary Stu this automatically renders Jerry as useless. He's destined to be "impotent" if you will. So he's just a waste of space that only serves to waste budget money to animate and voice a character who very much is good for NOTHING.

none of those conflict with the chief justice thing, since he'd probably be old as fuck

Technically, you don’t even need a law degree to become a Supreme Court Justice