Why cant we have more adult animation like this...

Why cant we have more adult animation like this? Why must every adult animated movie and tv show be a comedy with ugly as shit animation? Like this movie wasnt perfect but it had a charm to it. And it excecuted its main concept (film noir with cats) perfectly.

Attached: 1994-Felidae-xl.jpg (1516x2161, 247.19K)

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Because audiences want comedies with ugly as shit animation. It's what sells. If you want things like this to be commonplace, you need end capitalism. Good luck.

>Because audiences want comedies with ugly as shit animation.
y tho

Because animated cat sex is a niche interest.

Dude, Please, Take this HD Vector poster i made (italian version bcs i are pasta)

Attached: Felidae.png (3536x5000, 806.71K)

>when in doubt blame capitalism
Spotted the 14-year-old.

The problem isn't the market of audiences "voting with their wallets," it's the corporate suits who will only fund ugly shitty animation. That's not about capitalism, it's about corporatism.
Another side of the corporate coin is union rules making it prohibitively expensive for small indie groups to make an animated feature.

Fuck off.

Fuck You disabled autistic kid. I know you are now jerking of the perfection of this poster you disgusting zoophile

Not him but I am jerking off to the poster.

This movie wasn't particularily adult thematically though. Remove the gore and cat sex and you basically have a potential Disney feature.

>wow sex and violence in cartoons this must actually be super deep and mature

Attached: 1587290933465.gif (326x192, 40.41K)

The writer of that movie is BASED and REDPILLED

I would have enjoyed this more if in the middle of the movie all the cats did a rendition of Shipoopi from the Music Man.

>capitalism fails to provide yet again
Like clockwork.

An actual numale hates movies like felidae, though. They want safe dogshit like SU

>Remove the gore and cat sex
Then the entire plot has to be removed, the plot revolves around sex and murder

No it doesn't, it revolves around cat hitler. And you could just vow to not show the murder scenes if they were necessary anyway. The sex scene was completely unnecessary for the plot.

Yeah, I know. Don't want to assimilate, get the FUCK out of Germany.

I bet you would censor literally everything if you had the chance. I would not be able to say FUCK to you on the Internet.

Its about cat hitler using eugenics. Which involves sex.

It's mainly because ugly off-model animation is much cheaper to make. And comedies don't require fluid animation to be watchable.

There are very little action shows because an action cartoon with cheap animation would be horrid.

Attached: nigeria.png (424x345, 81.57K)

I’d like to see someone make ah animated version of a criterion movie like Seventh Seal

I didn't imply to censor anything, just meant to say that the mature elements are merely tangential to the plot.
That's like saying that Lion King involves sex.

You couldn't feel the love tonight?

God I wish this could get a dvd release. Really unfair that it's stuck with expensive as shit vhs and the book costs a lot too

>The sex scene was completely unnecessary for the plot
clearly youre unfamiliar with film noir

But it did get a DVD release, user. I got a rip of it on rutracker

I wish I could just fucking send you a rip, but I am stuck on a Mac with no software that ignores copyright laws.

My point is that they didn't show it and that's why it was rated G, unlike Felidae. But the plot of TLK was comparably "mature".

Look if it doesn't have the dance mice corpses I'm out.
Also kids aren't going to sit down for a murder mystery these days. They need quick witty poop humor.
It's an adult movie about murder, sex and genetics of the best. Removing the sex removes the need to kill off like half of the cats as they were breeding with the "winner" cats.

yeah a region 2 release that is unavailable to buy. Guess I should of said bluray which it does deserve.
thank you for the offer none the less.

>There are very little action shows because an action cartoon with cheap animation would be horrid.

Attached: vlcsnap-2020-04-29-20h39m20s531.png (640x480, 338.98K)

Dude that looks awful.

Does it impact the rest of the movie in any way if you remove Francis dicking a cat from it?
There are more subtle and more PG ways to imply a sexual motive than "hurr they were out to fug"

corporatism is actually less bad than what we have now desu: occasionally when the stars align just right the corporate system will fuck up and accidentally fund something good.
nowadays you can vote with your wallet and we've seen the result: patreon and kickstarter, and the results are a mixture of bee and puppycat and furry porn games that will never be finished

what you need for something like this to be produced is an organization like the old BBC which produces the quality content the world OUGHT to have, without any regard for how many people actually want it. sadly the BBC no longer does this since the government wants it to compete for viewers with the private channels to demonstrate it's providing "value for money"