Post real life costumes that would work well in capeshit setting

Post real life costumes that would work well in capeshit setting

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I can't even tell what the fuck I'm looking at


Bjork is weird. could work as a new Hellraiser cenobite.

they really should be a combination of dark and light. they aren't supposed to be pure evil, they're... something else. Experimenters on the human condition. One human might find themselves forced into an endless-orgasm loop, the next gets to experience stubbing their pinky toe for all eternity. To the humans it looks like benevolence or maliciousness but its really neither, humans are just playthings, just like you don't worry about the "feelings" of a lego brick.

could be in a from soft game

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>Bjork is weird. could work as a new Hellraiser cenobite.
She doesn't have enough sharp implements stuck into for that. Maybe if the weir cape and hood appeared to be stuck into her skin or something.

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She's a dandelion. Blow her hard enough to get them all to fall off and you get a wish.

She’s legit wearing Battle armor under her dress what the fuck.

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She is just wearing zero suit here, Grimes wore more interesting stuff than this

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I feel like i actually made an abstract fashion thread

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fuck off Yas Forums

This is fresh as hell tho

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Is this my Persona?

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