Superman has Luthor

>Superman has Luthor
>Batman has Joker
>Spider-man has a whole list of characters
>Captain America has the Red Skull
>Hal Jordan has Sinestro
>Flash has Reverse Flash
>Captain Marvel has Mr. Mind
>The X-men have Magnito
>Gwenpool has Creampie man
>Aquaman has Black Manta
>Iron Man has the Mandarin
>Reed Richards has Doctor Doom
>Thor has Loki
>Wonder Woman has Cheeta
Who does Kamala have?
Who'd make a good main villain be for Kamala?

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her strongest enemy of all, deportation

Basic Becky

>>Gwenpool has Creampie man

Don't pretend this matters

I'm serious

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Honestly that'd be fun.

I don't know who that is.

Will she combine with Stormranger?

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Kamala has my dick. That's plenty enough.


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Unironically Society

Her only villain that has ever showed up in anything outside the comics is the Inventor (though the fake mastermind bird, not the actual Inventor), so I guess him.

The bird-head should be the real Inventor. It's garbage that they took a silly concept for a silly hero to fight and threw it out in favor of another boring human.

No, because Stormranger is not fucking Venom

If Carol Danvers doesn't have arch enemy why Kamala should?

Does she still wear the condom


Attached: Kamala.jpg (900x900, 100.63K)

Except it essentially is Venom now. Empyre was going to have it bond with Gamora.

Her archenemy is Mystique.


I thought it was rouge
or marcus
or her crippling weakness to civil wars

Oh so discount venom.

A white light haired, light eyed devout Christian boy around her age who thinks fanfiction is a bad thing



Havent read the comics, whos the inventor. Also are kamalas comics worth reading.

>Also are kamalas comics worth reading.
No, only worth it if you have some sort an elastic girl fetish

>Hal Jordan
>Reed Richards

She's pretty cute in her first run.

Kamala has Discord

I wish i could talk to her on discord...

I wish I could talk to her on Chaturbate...

when was the last time you saw anyone use mr fantastic

I don’t follow comics, but do they really not call him Mr. Fantastic anymore? Why?

>The temptation of bacon
>her own ravening lust for white infidel dong

Take your pick

pls step on my liberties dommie mommy

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She had this fucking internet troll for a villain who could hack people
No joke
She fought sjw's view on 4channers