Invader Zim

>Foreword by Rebecca Sugar

Is this gonna have her Zim fanart included in it

Attached: 884B48AC-A96B-446D-9AFD-5F441DF9C42E.jpg (2048x1946, 275.23K)

>Rebecca Sugar

Attached: 1580873855415.jpg (540x540, 109.78K)

I didnt know this was happening. Just put in my preorder. Thanks user!

Of course she manages to get involved in a release artbook of something she had no involvement in just because she's a fan and everyone likes her because of some cancerous cartoon that ripped off its elements.

Why would it?
Do you know what a foreword is you fucking faggot?


Yes, it's retarded she gets to introduce it.

>Invader Zim
>Rebecca Sugar
And off I go.

>Rebecca Sugar
They know what they are doing.

Not that user but the point is people who arent the creator do forwards all the time, frequently if they are well known and a fan. So this isnt some.uncommon thing or some kind of special treatment she's getting.