Invader Zim

>Foreword by Rebecca Sugar

Is this gonna have her Zim fanart included in it

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>Rebecca Sugar

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I didnt know this was happening. Just put in my preorder. Thanks user!

Of course she manages to get involved in a release artbook of something she had no involvement in just because she's a fan and everyone likes her because of some cancerous cartoon that ripped off its elements.

Why would it?
Do you know what a foreword is you fucking faggot?


Yes, it's retarded she gets to introduce it.

>Invader Zim
>Rebecca Sugar
And off I go.

>Rebecca Sugar
They know what they are doing.

Not that user but the point is people who arent the creator do forwards all the time, frequently if they are well known and a fan. So this isnt some.uncommon thing or some kind of special treatment she's getting.

[X] Doubt.

>Yas Forums don't understand how Art Books work
Episode 1

She's been waiting for this, this was her plan from the start

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>Foreward by Neil Gaiman

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Yas Forums hates Sugar cause she stuck to her guns her whole life and lived out all the things we dream of

thats worded in an obnoxious internet article way

The su art book has a foreword by gendy, at most it'll just be a couple of sentences talking about the show.

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I wish Mao Mao was a better show because I like the MC. Literally everyone else sucks.

She's still a stupid choice. Especially for such a bold & twisted cartoon as IZ, having the creator of a soft cutesy super-trendy cartoon write the foreword is such a sellout move.

>the things we dream of
Speak for yourself. You have a really low bar for your dreams.

Wow, and almost 2 decades late! Timely.

I wonder how much of it is just Florpus material.

So is this the same art book as this or?

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Man... Are Rebecca Sugar and Alex Hirsch really the biggest "animation celebrities" this industry has? Someone like Sugar has to give an intro to a ZIM book because it's the biggest name of a ZIM fan that they have?

Like, fuck. Couldn't find someone better?

Gennedy was involved in SU's pilot and even gave Sugar notes when she was crafting the pitch bible.

Sugar is just a fan who is the only big name in animation right now. It's so meaningless and disconnected.

yup, same book. OP's pic is just the updated cover art

I just wanna make a shout out to Jhonen Vasquez thick Mexican penis.

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>Do you know what a foreword is you fucking faggot?
isn't it one of those things nobody bothers to read because they're giant walls of text that go on for dozens of pages and instead of using normal numbers, their pages are numbered with roman numerals?

>j. vasquez
>not a sell out
pick one faggot

Update: Wow! Thanks for the gold guys!

>beckys gonna get her dream of being involved with zim
Jesus, what a timeline

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