I wonder what cartoon is going to do an episode about this reactionary and unnecessary quarantine first

I wonder what cartoon is going to do an episode about this reactionary and unnecessary quarantine first

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south park if they haven't already

Family Guy

every single one. as a matter of fact coronavirus will be synonymous with memes. what is scary is that the economy will fall apart

> reactionary and unnecessary
dont catch the rona amerilard

Boohoo some imaginary numbers that are total bullshit will finally be acknowledged as imaginary numbers that are total bullshit waah waaahh not the dollerinos waaahh

This is a new level of contrarian stupidity for this website.

>reactionary and unnecessary

One can only hope someone coughs in OPs face

Calling it: South Park episode moral will be about how even though the disease is legit, most old people suck and deserve to die anyway.

Don't ever go to a casino. CAUSE YOU JUST HIT THE JACKPOT BABY!

There is no need to shut down literally everything for the flu

That's why we didn't shut down everything for the flu but instead the coronavirus which is nothing like the flu despite what the chinks tried to claim to save face.

Millions of people should die so I can go to muh concerts and sportsball games.

Well we're not talking about the flu we're talking about the corona virus.

My mother and uncle died because of this fuck you

15% unemployment isn't an imaginary number. And it will keep getting higher the longer this goes on

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Employment is a meme. Stop being a bitch and open up an onlyfans account.

What's with the headphones?

They're good for listening to music.

Attached: lum headphones.gif (498x372, 1.17M)

That's a Reddit response if I've ever seen one.

It’s easy to say “it’s just the flu bro” until someone you care about dies from it.

I don't care, I wanted to post Lum.

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But it isnt, its the same goddamn thing and only kills like 1% of people which isnt an excuse to shut down everything for fucking months at a time
Not millions, thousands, and yes fuck them all i could care less about their worthless lives as i care about being happy

xD Le epic edgy troll!

smiling friends

How about I beat you off and give you a slurp?

South Park probably

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muh sports
muh bar

>My mother and uncle died because of this fuck you
lol weak

coronameme is literally sars 2, ie. swine flu version 2

>Wow Lois, this is just as bad as the time I was stuck with [insert old celebrity from the 90s that is now obscure] during quarantine (cue cutaway)

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