ITT: we remember the dead comic Nedroid

ITT: we remember the dead comic Nedroid

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You can change "problem" to "webcomic" and it will fit the theme of the thread even better.

This is actually good advice. Collections will eventually stop calling if they can never get ahold of you. Same with the IRS. Just don't have a job to garnish wages from or anything fancy like a car for them to steal, and you're set. The deadbeat life is comfy.

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It’s not dead. Anthony only uploads when he’s thought of something funny. Nedroid is the definition of quality over quantity

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Watch out for state taxes though, our dicks aren't as big as the IRS, but we can fuck you nearly as hard and much more quickly. If you pay anything, do it in cash or with a credit card or money order. If you use your bank we'll know where to levy. Also don't bank at the one closest to your house, because if we don't have a bank on file that's the first one we'll check.

I know, I'm just being an ass.

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no regrets, they had a good run

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>dead comic
Wait what
>Last update September 6th, 2019
I guess we didn't buy enough Crammerz...

Is he still doing that BACK webcomic with KC Green? Anyone know how that's going? I was reading it for a bit, but then it just kinda got away from me

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Please don't remind me how often I visit the website hoping he'll be back to his former rythm

It's in the final chapter. I'm enjoying it.

I'll pick it back up eventually, I was enjoying it while I was reading it

>Same with the IRS.
You don't fuck with the IRS, son.

unless you are scientology

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Is Nedroid the Berserk of Yas Forums?

That is weird right now.

so when you ignore your webcomic it results in more webcomics?

They'll get off the boat one day.

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What a great friend.

read BACK you fucking mongrels

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But what's the HxH?

I can't read.

It's pronounced sword

He Is A Good Boy was more my thing, but BACK is very good too.

i should read HIAGB eventually, how would you compare it to BACK like... on a narrative level? is it a serious kind of comic or is it more of a goofy romp or something like that?

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