After a night of wine drinking and listening to her Hugbox Twitter, Steenz is back and referring to herself as the King of Comics... at least the new strip has an actual facial expression so that’s something
Comic Strip Thread
>school yearbook
>a desperate need for popularity
>school 'survival guide'
>'signups' for clubs only open one day at the beginning of the year
was this person homeschooled
I checked the article nowhere does it refer to her as the king of Comics
post more comics by this person so we have a reference
Watching people blow themselves in public is pretty tedious.
Also now the first Heart of the City Strip she did has been replaced by pic related
It was so ugly they Stalin'd it?
Here’s the the thread from the last two days
It is but it adds to the context that the artist refuses to listen to criticism
A true tumblrite
This art is totally soulless. Using dots for shading makes it look especially bland.
This needs to be in the boomer comics thread
Why are you so assblasted over this literal who comic
I meant the new stuff