AMC Bans Universal films from its theaters over Trolls World Tour

tl;dr: China throws a shit fit over not having TOTAL WORLD CINEMA DOMINATION BAWWWWWW

So, do you think WB is going to risk the banhammer over Scoob?

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It's like they want to go out of business

I want to fuck the rock troll

Hahahhaha they are so fucking mad streaming is the future

Me, I'll be happy to see AMC bite it. They're already in bankruptcy talks, so maybe this will all be moot.

What will you tell your grandchildren about them when they're all gone.

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>implying anyone on this board will ever reproduce

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>company going through its worse financial crisis in its history
>I know let’s cut out one of our biggest sponsors because they support a policy that makes sense in the digital age as well as pandemic era
Fuck AMC

Tell them they used to be godly when they didn’t make even seat in the house reserved and didn’t try to add in a shitty restaurant for all the morons there instead of the nice 21+ restaurant/screen they used to have in some of their locations.
Also fuck them for removing their arcades.

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Wow its like they havent even WATCH THE FUCKING MOVIE

I liked the music especially the hip hop song
Fuck movie theatres

Same hearing great grandparents talk about Movie Palaces

I think Universal and Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences have made the point quite clear: the age of the cinema is over.
Theaters have the ability to provide better picture and sound than at home but refuse to do so to reduce cost and increase profit, so you can sit in a crowded room full of coughing, murmuring assholes for a big blurry picture with shitty muffled sound, or you can get 4k and dolby at home without the
assholes at a fraction of the price.
Movie theaters are dead, they killed themselves, good riddance.

i have always found movie theaters to be nothing but a wholly unpleasant experience

We're watching the end of movie theatres unfold before our eyes. Grab some popcorn.

>ban all films made by one of the biggest studios in the world
Damn, can't believe they hire literal retards for executive positions at these companies


>used to be godly when they didn’t make even seat in the house reserved

Fuck off. This is the best possible change. I plan my visits in advance and always have the best seat in the house

So are they going to ban Disney and WB too for releasing films in this format?
AMC is really going to be fucking themselves over in this attempted power move. But the Chinese lose so based

Their own fault. Throwing a tantrum won't save them.

Had they been smart they'd have put funds towards scouting and refurbishing Drive-Ins so they could still have concessions and films.

It was a threat they were able to use back in the mid to late 00s the last time ticket sales were down and companies were looking into streaming or On Demand releases back then.

But now that all them have pretty much established platforms its not that strong a play.

>removing the arcades

Oh yeah because kids really need those half-dead Tekken 5 and Crazy Taxi machines.

Maybe not but Time Crisis is essential for growing boys.
And Area 51, my dad knew the cheat that let you play as the alien.

lol fuck movies

>needing to plan out a movie night a week in advance vs just getting to the theater a bit earlier
I’ll take the latter thanks AMC

>AMC, which is controlled by China's Dalian Wanda Group and owns Odeon and UCI — Europe's biggest cinema operator.
What the fuck? AMC is owned by China?American Multi-Cinema company is owned by China?

>movie theaters will die in you life time
feels good

Only last several years
Which makes AMC the one dying even nicer

I know it's hilarious I love it. FUCK AMC.

at least there's no more having to transfer 4k movies into old 80's era film stock

Dab on AMC
Dab on the Chinese genocide supporting owners

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Get VR a bit better and I can get a headset and feel as if I'm in my own personal theater.

That would be pretty sweet

"Boy, I sure do miss niggers screaming into their phones louder than the surround sound speakers for 90 minutes straight."

Now I’m really glad they’re getting BTFO.
I wonder if Universal refused to implement Chinese government propaganda in their films.

Oh, AMC, this is not going to go the way you think it's going to go.