Apparently they destroyed 60 years of history in less than a decade
Did Disney do anything right in Marvel comics?
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Captain Marvel was a mistake
Who gives a shit man, come up with a better thread.
This thread will probably 404 before I get an answer but did Disney push this shit on Marvel, or did Marvel just do its own thing and Disney just doesn't care as long as they can make movies that say "Based on the Comic"?
Comics are dead?
Look at the reaction of anime and manga fans,
the comics market has lost fans, with the MCU Marvel comics should sale 100 or 200 thousand copies with at least 5 titles
2020 it's got worse man
Oh it's this samefag again
>Disney fucked Marvel
Marvel never got out of its own way. The 90s implosion, 2 decades of fucking Spider-Man over, directionless plotting over other properties.
what the fuck is the problem with these wojaks creating life?
everything wrong with modern Marvel can be fixed if they tell the writers to write the heroes the way they write the villains and vice-versa
my theory is that since the movies make so much money Marvel started neglecting the comics division and hired a bunch of talentless hacks to write whatever the hell they want only for the sake of filling the shelves in comic shops
>blames diversity
Meanwhile manga and anime are easy using gay jokes and no problems. Maybe the problem is still not in diversity?
the only mistake they made was killing off ironman and breaking their own rules with Capt America's time travel.
Quality of Marvel comics are trash even without diversity. They need competent editors that are willing to tell the writers that their ideas are fucking retarded and that they should stop being s colossal retard. Much of the problems could had been avoided if they had competent editors.
okay faggot, how much of that money was delivered to Marvel Comics? If you say zero, I'd believe you
are you saying pic related isn't a competent editor?
wasn't the reason they made this outfit change because the actor didn't want to be in a leotard?
>when most of your hair gave up but you still want to show everyone that Superman is your favorite superhero
>they didn't want female characters out there
Remember before 2010 when there wasn't a single female character in Marvel comic books? Good times.
You mean Brie Larson? You know CM got that costume years before the movie, right?
Show me this graph whe capitain marvel 2 makes this much money without the hype of being sandwiched between an infinty war and endgame type movie.
/x/ here
memetic magic/law of attraction at work. this is a direct result of you faggots spamming basedjak on every board 24/7. life imitates art
real life sneed will manifest soon as well if it hasn't already
I just feel bad for Hickman and the caterer. Sitting at that table must be a nightmare.
>"this movie will FLOP"
>huge commercial success
>"t-t-the sequel will flop, this means nothing..."
after the coomer materializing irl I believe in anything
Is not even out. You could At least be angry at existing things.
marvel-NOW they notice, y'all remember the MarvelNOW! stuff?
wait shit i forgot. he fucking did already
remember kids, there are no coincidences
almost right, almost right, up until
>they dont want female characters
and ya missed it
A bit hard to tell, this really started happening around 2011, not long before they got bought. They were probably preparing for it.
now where is Chuck?
The rest of them have to hear and stomach what he's doing to X-Men, though.
I thought the coomer was based off that guy? I swear seeing him around before hand.
Context is key user.
Brie Larson the movie made that much money in part thanks mainly to:
Marvel hype (It was sandwiched between the 2 most hyped cinematic events of the DECADE and marvel told everyone thatit was important to see capitain marvel to understand endgame which was misleading as behind the scenes of endgane showed that the carol danvers of endgame was inconsistent with the capitain marvel version as the endgame version was filmed first [and not in a "she had offscreen character development])
Revamping the X-men after decades of being literal shit?
Decade, user.
And revamped into worse shit.
what was the costume for?
and yes I meant Brie Larson. I was having trouble remembering her name
>blatant lies
they didn't mention endgame at all in the marketing and even held carol back from endgame trailers until after the movie was out
oh ok let me redo my greentext then
>"this movie will FLOP"
>huge commercial success
>"b-b-but it didn't make REAL money, it made FAKE money. the sequel will FLOP"
you guys are hilarious
I don't understand your you mean, why did they change her costume in 2012? I don't know, they felt like it? It had nothing to do with Brie or the movie which came years later.
So why are captain marvel comics not selling at all?
someone post the video where that woman from the reality show kisses him and he is absolutely disgusted
Infinity war's Final shot (Post credits) was the Brie larson logo so while what you say is true that shot still shows marvel's faith on pre-endgame Capitain marvel.
Combination of people not buying comics period and the comic version of Carol already being well-established as an unlikeable bitch as opposed to moviegoers who don't know any better.
It's a bit of both. Alonso was already running the diversity train hard and lowering the sales bar. Disney never stepped in to set the course correct. And when Disney finally announced some type of change (Feige gaining control over Marvel Entertainment division) nothing actually changed at all. Shogun Akira dialed back the diversity only slightly, but the rot throughout the company is still there.
Because they suck.
Do you want to discuss the CM movies or the CM comics? Because those are different things.