I'm gonna admit...

I'm gonna admit, I was jumping on the Harley Quinn hate bandwagon without really reading or watching anything with her in it. But then last night some asshole had the bright idea to storytime some Nu-Harley comics and I finally saw how bad they were.
>Harley is obesssed with food like she's Shaggy
>There are so many side characters and none of them are interesting
>Harley commits acts of ultraviolence but later characters talk about how she's changed her ways
>The art is mediocre
>Harley has an annoying catchphrase (Holee *something ending in "-olee")
>Most of the jokes don't land
There was some nice cheesecake art occasionally and there was a flashback sequence that was okay. But Jesus Christ that was almost on the same level as America Chavez in terms of how terrible it was. I regret lurking in that thread so much.

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Other urls found in this thread:


How is the art mediocre?

Honestly, in the past decade there have only been 2 Harley Quinn focused comics worth reading. Harley’s Little Black Book, basically DC’s Team-Up book, with Harley teaming up with a different hero in each issue, anons will mostly remember it for Harley and Wonder Woman swapping outfits and Harley fucking Lobo. The other is Harleen by Sejic. It’s only three issues long and one of the only black labs books they produced that was worth it.
Everything else is like Waypool, but somehow even worse.

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>But Jesus Christ that was almost on the same level as America Chavez in terms of how terrible it was.

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Naw mate, nothing is going to be as bad as American telling someone white is the absence of color. What I said was that Harley Quinn has basically be a less entertaining Waypool beyond the odd random mini series.

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are you blind?

Palmotti's Harley is mediocre but Humphries Harley is godly.

When Harley is an inconsequential sidekick to the Joker, played solely as a gag, and voiced by Arleen Sorkin, she's good.

Making her ANYTHING else, or god forbid the main character of a fucking comic, and taking away her iconic outfit, and telling us Harley is a hero and has been one along, despite being complicit in many of the Joker's crimes - just... no.

Fuck Nu-Harley.

The whole point of the character is that she is emotionally fucked up and confused, she should be one of those characters without a place in the world, sometimes trying to do a good thing just to find herself fucking everything up, going back to villany just to be overwhelmed by guilt, making her Joker sidekick 100% of the time is straight up ignoring her backstory.

I agree she should always keep her classic costume tho.

Nu-Harley is still way better that batwoman.

>I'm gonna admit, I was jumping on the Harley Quinn hate bandwagon without really reading or watching anything with her in it.
Such is Yas Forums.

And this place denies being made up of sexist incels.

This guy sums it up pretty well.

Out of everything, the worst part about the Nu-Harley comics is that they aren't funny. They are, supposedly, comedy books. I can overlook pretty much anything they do to the character, so long as it's funny, but it just fucking isn't.

You should check out Humphries Hsrley quinn, those are funny.


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The modern iteration of Harley Quinn is basically a sad attempt to market toward pic related. She is, in essence, Ramona Flowers done by clumsy untalented corporate entities.


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Fuck no, Harley getting over it is a natural progression for the character, also Punchline is a better Joker gf than Harley.

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>cover character in aposematism
>surround her with the sort of fanbase nobody likes
>"wtf why do people figure she's shit at first glance"

What is the sort of fanbase that Yas Forums likes? White supremacists?

Level-headed reasonable characters like Red Skull, Nuke and SpOck.

Yes. Fuck off, kike, you and every non-white will be hanging very soon.

And Dr. Doom, let's not forget Yas Forumss biggest idol.

Such good writing.

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or at least a costume that is cool and not a juggalo outfit


I like how she’s handled in the Harley Quinn animated series since her character is mor about trying to stand herself apart from everyone else and struggling to succeed rather than in other versions where they’re trying to capitalize on the Deadpool audience.

It's got some okay parts tho

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Behind every "HARLEY QUINN SHOULDN'T BE ALLOWED TO DISLIKE BEING BEATEN BY HER BOYFRIEND" post, there is a far-right incel trying to project his own issues on comic book characters.

It's no wonder all of you end up worshiping Dr. Doom. A hideous, frigid and repetitive figure (what you are) who somehow always succeed in becoming a god and is adored by all, against all logic (what you want to be).

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Those are not even the worst things about Doom, he's a literal incel trying to bang Susan, roleplay to as european nobility when he's a gipsy, skinned his girlfriend alive etc.

Doom is pathetic and writers trying to paint him as serious are retarded but your shitpost is just not valid and is clearly falseflag

I really like Harley, but I'll never get into her new design. It's so far gone from what she was intended to be.

She flip flops back and forth as a character too, it's hard to keep track. Outside of specific catchphrases and backstory, they're almost different characters.

embarrassing post

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