SOUND THREAD Yas Forums edition

SOUND THREAD Yas Forums edition
Download Forums-external-sounds to hear them/make them.

Attached: the hounds [].jpg (220x220, 12.48K)

Attached: Silent running [].jpg (500x664, 83.69K)

Attached: [].jpg (480x360, 13.77K)

Attached: [].png (290x432, 121.38K)

Attached: [].gif (480x334, 420.09K)

Attached: [].png (972x768, 1.45M)

Attached: [].png (687x598, 1.18M)

Attached: [].jpg (1280x720, 26.02K)

Webms with sound also work

Attached: Boondocks[].webm (320x240, 1.1M)

Doesnt work for me

You need to refresh the page.

Do you have whitelisted?

Attached: [].jpg (1280x720, 112.18K)

Ive had to go reenable site script for most of the of the direct audio links and allow autoplay. Shit just dont work

you need Yas Forums X too

>Captcha malfunctioned after having to solve 10
Fuck off Google.

Attached: [].jpg (529x424, 111.64K)

Attached: Man of Steel was a disappointment after the teaser [].jpg (607x720, 155.71K)

Let's see if this works

Attached: 1559720914159 [].jpg (1988x3056, 1.1M)

Burn Bendis.

Attached: [].jpg (600x894, 95.19K)

Attached: EMH[].png (784x920, 236.69K)

Attached: [].png (2808x2080, 49.75K)

Attached: Vengeance [].png (998x1530, 2.11M)

Attached: [].png (1046x626, 736.64K)

Attached: [].webm (480x360, 1.86M)

Attached: I TOO [].webm (640x480, 2.81M)

Attached: The Emperor's Groove [].gif (320x240, 1.67M)

Attached: Dr. Weird IT HUNGERRRRRS [].webm (654x480, 1.92M)

Attached: carl porn time [].webm (1280x720, 1.74M)

Attached: 57e5e1c4c307d5c71216e696d1fd406c [].gif (500x208, 2.51M)

Attached: [].webm (500x298, 2.59M)

>only works if you download this script and only works for images with this particular formatting
or, you know, you could just start a Yas Forums thread on /wsg/ and post sound webms there in higher quality


File limit for webms is 4MB. Catbox limit is 200MB. There is barely any time involved with installing the script and the formatting only matters if you're posting the images and audio yourself. It's a good idea to raise awareness of the utility so that people can post one off instances of relevant audio in threads, say a new show's OP.

>Just post on /wsg/
This is unironically quicker for me as I only have to solve 1 captcha instead of 2.

Attached: [].png (1116x1100, 800.84K)