Found this in a random book at the library...

Found this in a random book at the library. I've never used this board so I am curious if this is an event anybody remembers

Is this true, Yas Forums?

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To an extent yes. If you have absolutely no publicity at all then your product goes nowhere. Its better to be pirated so someone might later pay for it later than get no sales in the first place.

>The graph going up has no numbers to indicate exactly how many sales in the first place

that's Yas Forums dot com user, completely different from formally Yas at Yas Forums dot com they have meaningful conversations and everybody enjoys the experiences they have.

Name of the book OP?

Sorry I don't know, I only took a pic of this page

Based way to report on the incident without having newfags flood the site, they'd probably try the URL and just assume the site didn't exist anymore.

I remember it, it was a normal thread by a tripfriend called comicbookman or something like that you can look him up in the archives him and movietheaterlad I believe were discussing or people were just shitting on movietheaterlad as one does, and then someone exposed the thread to twitter and that dude showed up in the thread and just sort of decided to give his book away and said something like if you wanna throw me a couple bucks do it here if not don't worry about it you're gonna download it no matter what I do.

Yeah Lieber's a bro and was in a lot of the Superior Foes of Spider-Man threads. He understands the audience better than most writers and editors.

this graph is pointless, only has two dates and could be summed up in a sentence, realistically it looks like the only point of this graph is to complain.


>is it true

Goddammit I was here for this!!! I'm so fucking old. I remember/know the storytimer. good times. yes obviously

Underground was the book

Lieber rules. He would come back every so often when he had books coming out

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>it looks like the only point of this graph is to complain.
Where do you get that? It's implying bootlegging had a positive effect. Where's the complaint?

Without piracy I would have never got into comics. Now I have entire bookshelves full of them

It's true, but with the important caveat that was old Yas Forums.

i miss the old trip friends
i wonder what ever happened to figment jedi or vorked larfleeze
i hope they're alive

>Superior Foes of Spiderman
why can marvel do this but dc won't do a rogues book

what have i done to deserve this
i promise i will actually buy it dc if its good

Yep, I remember him stopping by every Superior Foes of Spider-Man chapter. A real bro, we got a ton of concept art, detailed notes etc, it was like our very own bonus features on a DVD and certainly drove me to purchase the hardcover omni when it released.

What they forget is
(pirating x good pr x good product)
(Not essential x pricing x scam)

There is a treshhold of how dearest and expensive something is to the ones pirating. For example if the ones piratin would only use or read it for free, your sales wont get higher.
The other thing people like to forget is emotional involvement, like getting free snacks or testproducts will emotional make people buy from you, like they wont just gett free stuff or scam you. Kinda like streamers giving you expensive merch but you see it as donations to the streamer with getting a virtual signaling thank you.

>indicate exactly how many sales in the first place
I agree. It is a little bit like working with %.
You can boost your PR by saying the sales increased by 500%, but in reality you sold 5 books and now you sold 30 books.
Regarding a book an not an airplane these numbers are not noteable.

Didn't he pop back in for Superior Foes and The Fix threads?

What's up with the .org anyway?

Theres tons of books I never would have bought if I hadnt read them in storytimes on Yas Forums

>Usagi Yojimbo
>Transformers Lost Light
>Megg Mogg and Owl
>Planet Hulk
>Orc Stain
>Wonton Soup
>several books by Kerascoet if I can find copies
>tons of others

I always like having physical copies of really cool stuff so I can re-read it one day after Ive forgotten all about it, or somebody else can read it.

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Steve Lieber did do the Q&A instead of sperging out and it was the most productive thread on Yas Forums at the time. Steve got sales and Yas Forums got story time with the author as surprise special guest

Ok boomer

the same but also manga

A huge proportion of anime/manga/comics I've seen and bought I saw at least mentioned on here first, if not storytimed.
Triumph & Torment for example, fucking great comic that I keep trying to shill at any opportunity

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>To an extent yes. If you have absolutely no publicity at all then your product goes nowhere. Its better to be pirated so someone might later pay for it later than get no sales in the first place.

That, plus we tend to get very attached to creators that have positive interactions with us. I doubt Satina would be nearly as popular on here if Hanna didn't occasionally show up and chat with us.

It is true, and Steve Lieber is a fucking stud. Just a really cool dude and when we saw that we all went out and bought his book. And I bought his next book, too.

I pirated when I got back into comics, but then I needed physical comics to share the best ones with my friends.
I still read weekly trash on here, but I collect good stuff.

Yas Forums dot net is where fun began

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Unlabeled axis!

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It's more then comics too
There's many shows here that got popular or attention at all solely because anons first pirated them on mega and that led to fans who bought things

Yas Forums can on occasion help the spread of something even if it's only for a short period and not for long.

Yeah, Lieber would also come in and discuss each issue of Superior Foes in the storytime threads. Had a trip and everything. An absolute bro. But also, it's worth remembering that 2010 Yas Forums was a very different thing from 2020 Yas Forums. Hell, it was a very different thing from even, like, 2012-2013 Yas Forums.