Just give Batman a bunch of baby puzzles, slowly work up the difficulty, and bore him to death

Just give Batman a bunch of baby puzzles, slowly work up the difficulty, and bore him to death.

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> bore him to death.

Like, with a drill?

Riddler's too dramatic for that.

Batman rarely plays along till the end. He eventually breaks out and wrecks Riddler. Giving him as much time as possible is just playing to Batman's strengths.

Has Batman ever been even a little bit stumped by one of his riddles? He usually seems to just figure it out in seconds.

The Riddler's a hard villain to write. Timm and co said that they had about a dozen unused Riddler stories because they were either too stupid or two ridiculously complex.

The Riddler would die of boredom way sooner before Batman. Riddler challenges Batman specifically because he wants to stimulate his own mind, too. He doesn't do it 100% to humiliate and take down Batman.

There was a point when Riddler turned away crime but he still really wanted to play mind games with Batman because he was so bored of living a normal Joe life.

Attached: Batman Adventures #11 - Page 6.jpg (1024x1586, 286.89K)

Attached: Batman Adventures #11 - Page 7.jpg (1024x1598, 272.97K)

And then fast forward a few pages.

Attached: Batman Adventures #11 - Page 13.jpg (1024x1587, 293.94K)

Fair enough. He probably wouldn't be able to resist throwing a curve ball if he had started.

Weren't there only two or three episodes where he was the villain in BTAS?

Fucks sake, Batman. Just play the damn game.

If a weekly chess game with a former supervillain is all it takes to keep him from returning to a life of supercrime and endangering the city, just put your pants up and fucking do it you big baby.

>not enjoying a nice fresh surf and turf dinner for free
Batman is too fucking rich

>Dumbing yourself down to peasant food when you can have lobster bisque and beef wellington instead

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I wonder if the Bat-Family that doesn't live with him (Babs, Steph, Jason etc.) eat peasant food?

This is the same man who refuses to just hire Freeze and fund his research into saving his wife. The same man who doesn't just open a film studio for Clayface to act in everything forever. Batman doesn't want to actually help these people, he just wants to hurt people.

There’s an issue of Batman Adventures where Riddler is mopey that Batman always figures out his riddles but his henchmen convince him to try one more time. Batman ends up catching Riddler by pure happenstance cause some other criminals that he went after were robbing the same place Riddler was, and he admits he didn’t solve the riddle

>Eddie rented out an office for $20,000 so he and Batman can have dinner and "spend some time together"

How the fuck have people not shipped them yet. We got an entire fandom dedicated to Johnny Bravo and Samurai Jack because of a single commercial.

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>catering to convicted criminals after they’ve already stolen or murdered or attempted murder

They're mentally ill, it's society's fault.

By definition they're not, Batman writers just use an asylum as a convenient way to not kill off his popular rogues gallery.

If your goal is to keep innocent people from being hurt, the way Batman is doing things objectively doesn't work. Whether or not giving the villains a happier life is "fair" or not, if it saves the lives of Gotham's citizens it is worth swallowing your pride.

If you aren't going to rehabilitate them and you are not going to kill them, just fucking remove their motivation to want to do crime in the first place.

Honestly, I feel early-btas batman would please eddie with a dinner and a game every two saturdays, but he got really cranky as the series went on.
Some would call it flanderization but I think it does have sense that Bruce got tired of gotham bullshit

I bet i could beat Riddler's ass in a fist fight. We all here probably could

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Indulging in Riddler's games isn't going to make him stop. It might just make it worse. Riddler's a guy who can never be satisfied or purposely deludes himself to feel superior. He's almost destined to be unhappy.


>implying the fist fight won't turn out to be an elaborate trap set up just in case this exact thing happened

You'd have to solve all his riddles to find him first!

Riddler seems to put up a hell of a fight in Telltale's game.

He kind of died like a wimp at the end though.

>This is the same man who refuses to just hire Freeze and fund his research into saving his wife
just like edgar in the hole, anybody in the tube is Freeze's "wife"

> The same man who doesn't just open a film studio for Clayface to act in everything forever.
Actually this one I agree with. Why Clayface hasn't put SFX and CG studios out of business is beyond me when he can become a literal T-Rex