>Shhh, my yeast is rising.
>Nut loaf, Ed?
the fuck did they mean by this
>Shhh, my yeast is rising.
>Nut loaf, Ed?
the fuck did they mean by this
ed had an erection
So he was talking about a cock?
his own
He meant that he's nuts, you fucking retard.
>names the file retards.jpg
>makes a retarded post
He's thinking.
>ironically OP is the actual retard
I bet you don't even art.
okay samefag
oh no! poor wittle baby is triggered
You have to go back
they are making bread with a dash of coom
2017 called
keep crying, user
it gets me off
Those are different people, you could of kept the thread going and ignored it but clearly you're a sensitive bitch baby with no basic thought process to make threads past one post and of course the moment someone calls you out for your stupidity you sperg out and point fingers. Fuck off, go take your pills tranny.
Stay mad, faggot
>no u
I didn't realize that six letters were too much for your cuck brain. My bad.
based skitzoposter
What the hell is going on in this thread?
yes, everyone is the same person user
and we're all out to get you
check outside your window
Some fag wanted to bait EEnE fans and it backfired into this sad shit.
Baby zoomers always ready to find any opportunity to bitch and cry the moment something doesn't go their way.
why would you reply to a post that wasn't aimed at you then, fag?
a samefag and another fag are trying to fuck
oh, did you run out of meme pics?
Nah, I'm leading him on
He isn't getting any dick
>can't answer the question
Still here?
lick poop ja ja