Remember when Peridot taught us that attractive people don't exist?

Remember when Peridot taught us that attractive people don't exist?

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No but you could get me to buy it if you use the word "spook" in your rhetoric somewhere

Yeah, Peridot's podcast is really iffy. Especially last week when she went on that huge antisemitic rant with Charlie Sheen. Not that I disagree with her, but she probably didn't have to be so vulgar about it.. especially since she JUST got away with bringing up those crime statistics last year.

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The worst part was when she quoted the Nuremberg trials and debunked their unfounded accusation of germans testing nuclear weapons on concentration camps

>Yas Forums thinks videos that promote self-confidence for children are bad

explain without coming off as a narcissist/sociopath

Putting down or dismissing the existence of others in an attempt to make yourself seem the norm or more socially acceptable is bad. Implying nobody ever actually looks that good without heavy alterations dismisses real people who happen to look better than you with the only intention being to imply they are irrelevant, which is wrong in most cases but especially for a positivity PSA.

In trying to make others feel better, they implied others should be dismissed, don't be that kind of asshole.

so what do you suggest as an alternative? i don't think telling them "there are indeed standards of beauty and if you don't meet them due to losing the genetic lotto you're fucked for life you ugly fuck" won't bode well for them

Who cares. Tell them to pick up a football

That's just how it is, it'll encourage them to breed eugenically hopefully correct their mediocre parent's mistakes or fuel one's drive to go to college and revolutionize genetic engineering.

Gee user, what kind of subhuman goblinoids would try and convince people that pretty people don't exist?

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you can be self confident without putting other people down

Feminists are vile creatures that wish to make everyone self loathers, just like them.

Gee, I dunno, maybe try eating less and excising more.

>so what do you suggest as an alternative?
Admit people actually look like that, because you know, they do, and implying that they don't or are so rare they should be dismissed as insignificant is a really shitty thing do to, especially in a PSA about feeling good about yourself? In any other setting this would be weird, but not that negative, but in this case you're trying to avoid this one aspect, adding to the failure of it all.

Maybe just, I dunno, admit people look like that but not everyone finds them that attractive? State that different people like different things, and instead of dwelling on who doesn't like you like that, find others who do? Saying "There is always someone who will like you" is inclusive to all shapes, sizes and looks, nobody is singled out or explicitly dismissed so someone else can feel better.

What kind of fucking kids PSA goes with "yeah nobody actually looks that good, and if you see them they're deceiving you! You're real, unlike them!:

>"sponsored by olay :)"
Don't think I would ignore the corporate shilling because of some vague moral message.

There are plenty of good to mediocre looking unironic incels. They are that way because of their shit personality, and they will die alone because of their shit personality.

Meanwhile, there are legless deformed burned victims who managed to get laid. There are countless ugly ass rat face skinny weebs who happened to be Marines that can still get laid. There are midgets who raise families. Time and time again you hear stories of ugly ass circus freaks raising kids and living regular lives because they have a decent personality. Not good, just DECENT.

If some fat bitch in California gets to live a polyamorous lifestyle it's because she has a decent personality. That's why you see Chads with ugly girlfriends, they came to HIM and he liked their personality.

People with shit personality will die alone, and if you yourself are a lonely person it's because you either want to be, or you're lying to yourself that you're a good person and have a shit personality. Pic related is true.

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Looks like Mr. Potato.

I like that pic, it's sweet.

>pic related
>people turning into rats with their human skin peeling off as hardened crusts
>sexy milf head witch
Why didnt they make an animated movie for this?

Gee, maybe "you should judge yourself and others by what kind of person you are, not by your looks."

You know, the same common sense that kid's shows have always said. You don't need a road map here.

self-confidence is narcissistic though.
you need to pick a lane.

>breed eugenically hopefully correct their mediocre parent's mistakes or fuel one's drive to go to college and revolutionize genetic engineering.
Imagine genuinely thinking about real life this way. Unironically have sex, incel.

Only if you're looking in a mirror op

>Implying nobody ever actually looks that good without heavy alterations dismisses real people who happen to look better
I'd say this way of thinking does harm because its what drives normal girls to go for those alterations thinking everyone must be doing it.
Then they end up getting bogged and wonder why they can't find a husband.

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Which is why Jasper will die alone and Pearl has a growing harem of Gem and human.

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pic related was from the twits, you're thinking of the witches, which DID have a live action movie.

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I rememeber when Peridot became my onahole for a month.

Don't lie to your children. Judge people by the content of their character, not their looks.

doubt is as important as confidence.

As I recall, didn’t the Witch who chose to be good start looking like an ordinary woman again?

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the whole video would've been better if she just said "wow the internet is a terrible place, just log off every now and then and go to a park!"

It does come with the caveat that they can’t expect everyone to think that way, and they also can’t assume everyone is a vapid asshole either.

Teach them to be their best, prepare for the worst, and accept everything in between.

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“Go plant a tree and some local wildflowers for the bees.” would be fairly on-brand for her.

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>being fat is ok!!
This is just pure burger autism.

Cursed image.

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Yeah, there's a good witch who looks more normal. Dahl's villains are super one-dimensional, so she was added in the movie. She also gave the story a more conventional happy ending than the bittersweet one in the book.